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because the take heat heat inside and not allowed it heat to get outside

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Q: Why the outer body of inner bottle of thermos flask is made silver in colour?
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Why is the inside of a thermos flask silver?

To reduce heat loss by thermal radiation.

WHY inner bottle's outer body of a thermous flask is made up of silver in colour?

because sliver colour absorbs maximum heat radiation. that's why it is of sliver colour.

What is a thermos flask made of?

out of steel

What is inside a thermos?

inside a thermos is flask steel materials, it keeps the thermos for about 1 - 2 days.

Vacuum is mantained in thermos flask?

The vacuum reduce heat loss by conduction and convection.

What is the other name for a vacuum flask?

A Thermos.

What do you call the object that keeps water hot for hours?

Thermos flask or vacuum flask.

How does a thermos flask reduce heat loss by conduction?

Using vacuum as an insulator avoids heat loss by conduction. Heat transfer is minimised by reflective silver surfaces that are applied to the flask. This prevents thermal radiation from entering and escaping the flask.

Is a thermos flask also good for keeping water cold for several hours?

Yes. The thermos flask can reduce the amount of heat travelling from the surroundings to the cold water

What Are Some Objects That Minimize Heat Transfer?

The vacuum flask otherwise known as a thermos flask

How does a thermos flask reduce conduction?

There is air between the inside and outside of the flask.

How is convection prevented in thermos flask?

A glass thermos 'bottle' is constructed as a bottle-within-a-bottle and there is a slight vacuum between the bottles, since heat can't travel within a vacuum it will keep the contents hot/cold for a long time. In addition, they usually have a mirror coating on the outside to reflect hot/cold from the environment. The cap usually is hollow with an insulating material like cork or poly-foam.