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Q: Why the output work for any machines can't be greater than then the input work?
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Why the output work for any machine cant be greater than the input work?


Explain why the output work for any machine cant be greater than the input work?


What is an open loop?

Output is obtained for a given input and we cant control the output my means of any feedback loop control to the input

Why the output work for any machine cant be greater than the output explain?

-- The output work can't be greater than the output because they are, by definition of the terms, the self-same quantity, and consequently can be neither greater not lesser, but must at all times remain identical. -- The output work can't be greater than the INPUT ... unless additional energy is supplied inside the machine ... because total energy of a system is conserved, and cannot be created ex nihilo.

What are the limitations of sequential circuits?

it can represent only the finite state machine.In such a machine an arbitrarily long sequence of input symbols is bound to create a periodic output with a period not more than the number of states.hence computations that need to remember an arbitrary number of past input symbols cant be implemented by seq machines

Why cant machine convert all their input into useful work?

There are a number of reasons why machines cannot convert all of their input into useful work. This is because they were made by humans and have a margin of error.

Photograph and picture the same?

no, because the photography is the input or the processing of how we see the output or the pictures, but without photography we cant see the images that we produce..

The comparison between output work imput work is?

Work input is how much work you put into a machine and work output is the work done by the machine according to how much work you put into it. You will never get more work out of a machine than you put into it. The efficiency of a machine is how much useful work you got out of the machine compared to how much you put in (expressed in a percent). Efficiency = Useful Work Output ÷ Work Input

Is a cell phone a input or output device?

a phone is either it can be or it cant bcause you can talk into it and someone can talk out of it .

Can you get output current greater than input current?

No, we don't find the output force of a system is greater than its input. We've never seen this. There are losses associated with any system, whether they be mechanical, thermal or other. That prevents a situation where we can get more energy out of a system than we put in. We don't know all there is to know about physics, but we know a lot. If we knew how to get more energy out of a system than we put into it, we'd have applied that to generate electrical power. Consider how we provide electricity ot the power grid now and think it through to confirm the idea that we don't know of a way to get more energy out of a system than we put in. Perpentual motion isn't something we've realized, either.

Why power amplifier are called as large signal amplifiers?

in general the CE amplifiers are called low-signal amplifiers as they use only small values of voltage as a source of input which cant be used in practical purposes, whereas power amplifiers deal with practical values of input and output voltages

What is difference between input devices and output devices?

Input devices are all devices (appliances) which provide data to the computer. These include CD drives, microphones, mouse, keyboard and more.Output devices are all devices which provide data to the user or another computer. These could be monitor or printer.There are hybrid devices which can both be used for input and output, e.g. network links or CD burners.