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Q: Why the release in pneumatics is more faster than the hydrulics?
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When has pneumatics been used?

more than your life time

What is the primary reason to use hydraulics instead of pneumatics?

oil is slightly compressible 0.5 % at 70 bar. but air is compressible. so to get the required pressure pneumatics require more energy source than hydraulics also there are some limitations for pneumatics in terms of force.

Is Hydraulics More Effective Then Pneumatics?

My thoughts go like this...(from watching 'Scrapheap Challenge"0 plus a little basic knowledge of physics. 1/ Pneumatics involve the movement of pistons and what not via the medium of compressed air or air under pressure. 2/ Hydraulics involve the movement of pistons and what not via the medium of compressed fluids or fluid under pressure. 3/ Fluid is denser than gas (compressed air). I believe hydraulics can handle far heavier loads than pneumatics. Pneumatics would appear to use a lighter more flexible medium than hydraulics. In answer to your question, I believe hydraulics would be far more effective at manipulating heavy loads versus pneumatics. However, pneumatics would be a more flexible system than hydraulics. Hows that?

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When we exercise , our body needs more energy . Therefore , our heart beats faster so as to circulate more oxygen and digested food around our body to release more energy .

How are pneumatics better than hydraulics?

it is because pneumatics is more flexible and easy to use rather than hydraulic[ebolton] There is no need to have a reservoir or return piping. The working "fluid", air, is non-toxic and non-flammable. Poster below is correct. Air systems typically have a tank that is the analog of a hydraulic reservoir.[ebolton]*****************Actually there is need for air reservoir in industrial pneumatics systems.Hydraulics can handle more powerful aplications than pneumatics for the same overall dimensions, or can be more compact for the same power.

Do you say more faster than him or faster than him?

It would be more accurate to say "faster than him."

What will happen when an apple gets left out?

it will release ethylene faster at room temperature than if it were in the fridge. ethylene will cause fruit (even the ones next to it) to ripen faster. Also as fruits ripen they release more ethylene which makes them ripen even faster, until they begin to rot (over ripened). This is where the saying "one bad apple spoils the bunch" because literally 1 bad apple will release a bunch of ethylene making the rest of the apples ripen faster which will make them all release even more ethylene and since there are so many of them it just makes the process of the bunch ripening go even faster than if it was just 1 apple.

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A processor is more faster - by a factor of 1000 or more.

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1.4GHz is faster

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they are definitely upgrade more faster. >:)

How did computers change from when they were first created to know?

faster and more memoryfaster and more memoryeven faster and more memoryyet faster and more memoryetc.while periodically getting smaller as improved technologies were introduced