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Q: Why the residue is left behind on the filter paper?
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What is left on the filter paper?

what is left on filter paper when using filtration? it is residue

What substance is left on the filter paper?

Residue, or perhaps filtrate.

Why was the mud was left on the filter paper?

well if you put muddy water in a filter funnel with filter paper in it you would always have something left behind. This is called residue. and also it depends what type of filter paper too with fast flow the frets are further apart so you would have less mud.

What is the solid called that is left behind after filtration?

Residue.or precipitate

When do we use filtration?

We use filtration when we want to separate a solid and a liquid. e.g. chalk and water The residue left behind at the filter paper will be chalk in this case, for it is a solid:)

What is meant by ash content in filter paper?

When the filter paper is burned some 'ash' will be left behind.

Which scientific word is used for the substance which is left on the filter paper during filtration?

Simply, dirt. Or you could call it solid particulate matter

Why do you have to filter the mixture?

To get rid of any residue that is left behind. Eg) a mixture of water and sand. You filter the sand because you only want the water.

When you carry out a filtration what is the residue and what is the filtrate?

Filtration is a process used for separating the components from a mixture of immiscible substances.However different kinds of mixtures require various separation techniques and filtration is one such process. When filtration is done using a suitable filter (like a filter paper)the solid matter left on the filter paper can be called the residue and the liquid countertpart is the filtrate

What type of mixture is residue in filtration?

A filtration residue is the solid substance left in the filter media(filter paper, sponge, activated charcoal, etc.)... Whenever filtration occurs when the solid substance is separated from the liquid the recovered liquid is called filtrate while the recovered solid is called residue or precipitate. It is sometimes associated with the residue left after decantaion but to be more specific some people call it filtration residue to clarify the statement.

what do you call to a liquid when the water passes through a filter paper?

The filtrate is the liquid which passes through the filter paper and the residue is the solid left on the filter paper.

How do you separate a mixture of charcoal from salt?

put this mixture in water. salt will dissolve in water. now filter this solution with a filter paper. we will get particles of charcoal on the filter paper as residue. now heat the solution of salt and water .the water will evaporate leaving behind salt. thus the mixture of charcoal and salt is separated.