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Q: Why the resistance value is zero in superconductivity material?
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A material that has almost zero resistance when it is cooled to low temperatures is a....?

Super Conductor :)

What is the difference between superconductors and normal conductors?

Normal conductors have resistance which restricts the flow of electricity and wastes some of the energy as heat. The resistance increases with the length of the conductor. Superconductors have close to zero or zero resistance and a few other properties, but the resistance is the most important one because it means electricity can flow more efficiently through it. The drawback is that all the superconductors we know of today have to be cooled down to EXTREMELY low temperatures to achieve superconductivity.

Where are superconductors used?

SuperConductors are electrical conductors having zero resistance. Superconductivity is referred as a "macroscopic quantum phenomenon". Superconductivity is reached at extreme cold temperature close to absolute zero. SuperConducting material will repel a magnetic field. normally a magnet hovering over a conductor will induce electrical currents in that conductor, this induced current is an exact mirror of the field that would have otherwise penetrated the superconducting material causing the magnet to be repulsed. This phenomenon is known as strong diamagnetism also referred as the "Meissner effect". The Meissner effect is so strong that a magnet can actually be levitated over a superconductive material. Superconductivity has so many application fields, and we have just mentioned one, "The levitation", which can make trains float over the rails. Superconducting magnets will significantly reduce power consumption in contradictory to traditional electro-magnets - CERN projects are a good example that uses huge superconductivity to accelerate particles. Another application field is biomagnetism, like MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and another commercial application is the electrical generators wounded with superconductive wires which operates far more efficiently than the generators with copper wires.SuperConductivity has unlimited benefits in many other domains, we may also manufacture superconducting cables to transfer commercial electricity to the cities or integrate superconductivity concept into microchips.

Is A superconductor is A conductor having zero resistance?

Yes, a superconductor has zero resistance.

When cooled this contains almost zero resistance?

Anything with the property of zero electrical resistance is called a super-conductor.

Related questions

What is the value of a resistor when current and voltage are both zero?

The value can be anything.As long as the resistance is not zero, if the voltage across the resistor is zero the current through the resistor will also be zero.The relevant equations is...Voltage = Resistance x CurrentIn the special case of superconductivity, the resistance is zero and you can have a current even if the voltage is zero.AnswerResistance is affected by the length of a material, its cross-sectional area, and its resistivity (which, in turn, is affected by temperature). The resistance of a resistor, therefore, is not affected by either voltage or current.

What is the pairing mechanism behind high-temperature superconductivity?

The pairing mechanism behind high-temperature superconductivity is the ability of certain materials to conduct electricity with zero electrical resistance.

How are the magnets able to have zero resistance?

If you mean zero electrical resistance for an electromagnet, this is possible with superconductivity. This can be achieved for certain materials at fairly low temperatures - typically a few kelvin.

What are some uses of supercooling?

Superconductivity (reducing electromagnetic resistance (ohms) to nearly zero, which allows minimal energy loss and the ability to be a super-magnet).

Which element has the property of zero resistance?

Several materials have this property at very low temperatures. Some of them are elements, some are compounds. Do some reading on "superconductivity" for more information.

How do superconductors conduct electricity?

Superconductivity is where there's absolutely zero electrical resistance or magnetic expulsion. Materials that are superconductors conduct electricity much like other materials, but more efficiently.

What are the property of superconductor?

Super conductors are conducting materials which below a specific temperature offer zero resistance to the conduction of current : Currently, superconductivity can only be achieved at extremely low temperatures.

Is gold the best electrical conductor?

No, gold is not the best conductor. At room temperature, silver is a slightly better conductor. The best electrical conductors are the so-called superconductors, which are materials that only exhibit the property of superconductivity at very low (cryogenic) temperatures. When exhibiting the property of superconductivity, they have a resistance of zero.

A material that has almost zero resistance when it is cooled to low temperatures is a....?

Super Conductor :)

How superconductivity relates to ohm's law?

Ohm's law states that the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage applied across it and inversely proportional to its resistance. Superconductivity is a property observed in certain materials where they exhibit zero electrical resistance below a critical temperature. In superconductors, Ohm's law is not applicable as there is no resistance to impede the flow of current, resulting in the potential for an infinite current to flow in a closed circuit without needing a voltage difference.

The value of resistance of an short circuit?

The value of resistance when there is a short circuit varies depending on the nature of the fault, but it could be fractionally above zero or higher.

Which is an example of a superconductor?

A superconductor is a material with extremely low resistance to an electrical current. Many are metals or the like which have been supercooled to temperatures approaching absolute zero. Examples are mercury, lead and tin