

Why the smaller the ramp doesn't a ball go down as fast?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Why the smaller the ramp doesn't a ball go down as fast?
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Does a the mass of a ball affect how fast it rolls down a ramp?

Yes, the mass of a ball does affect how fast it rolls down a ramp. In general, a heavier ball will roll faster down a ramp compared to a lighter ball, assuming everything else is held constant. This is due to the increased gravitational force acting on the heavier ball as it moves downhill.

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The fast ball sport is baseball, a fast ball is basically when a pitcher just throws the ball staight at the strike zone.

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The ball speeds up as it travels to the ground as gravity pulls it down to make it go fast.

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The ball speeds up as it travels to the ground as gravity pulls it down to make it go fast.

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10 meters per second due to gravity

On MLB 2k9 why does the ball zoom by when pitcher is only throwing 88?

do u no how fast 88 mph is ... just because its not 98 doesnt mean it shouldn't zoom by

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69 mph It can be any speed but probably about 60 mph

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Yes, the surface of a hill can affect how fast a ball will roll down it. A smoother surface will have less friction, allowing the ball to roll faster, while a rougher surface will create more friction and slow the ball down. Additionally, the incline of the hill will also impact the speed of the ball as steeper hills will cause the ball to accelerate more quickly.

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When a wrecking ball hits a wall it is not moving fast How can it have enough momentum to knock down a wall?

Momentum is a function of both mass and speed. The wrecking ball isn't moving very fast, but it is extremely heavy; that is where its momentum comes from.

Does the size of the ball effect how fast it rolls?

The size of a ball does affect how fast it rolls. Surface also play a major role in how fast a ball will move.