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turmeric is a indicator which turns yellow in the presence of acid and red in presence of a base.detergent is also a base.that is why it turns red.

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Q: Why the termaric stains turns to red when soak it in the detergent?
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To get out the stains out of your clothing, you can either you bleaching agents or detergent to soak your soaked clothes.

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yes, I've heard you soak it in vinegar and detergent for 4 hours.

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the vanish oxi-action stuff works a treat. if not, soak them in water with detergent for like 10 mins. if your jeans disintegrate i refuse to hold any responsibility!

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To clean a dirty white T-shirt, pre-soak it in the washing machine, then wash it with a strong detergent and a little bleach.

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Usually, if you get to it as soon as possible, and soak them in icy water most of the blood comes out, after, apply detergent directly, and then wash like you normally would, the stains come out.

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You soak clothes with blood stains on them in cold water.

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Soak them in bleach.

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You can either soak your stained clothing in the bleaching agents or detergents to get rid of the stains.

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Soak the clothing on oxiclean for about two days:D

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Soak up excess oil from fresh stains using corn starch. Use a liquid dish detergent and baking soda to thoroughly cover the stain, allow to sit for up to fifteen minutes. Rinse clean using a heavy-duty scrubbing brush and fresh water.

How do you remove sweat stains from a white shirt?

Pour a half a can of coke on each armpit of the shirt. Let the coke soak in for about 3 to 5 minutes, but do not let it dry completely. Then throw the shirt in the wash using your regular laundry detergent.

How can you get tomato stains out of your white jeans?

You can try using laundry detergent on the stain. Apply detergent to stain and gently scrub with a sponge until stain is gone, then wash as normal in the washing machine. You can also try using white vinegar on the stain. Allow the vinegar to soak on the stain for around 10 minutes then wash in the washing machine as you normally would.