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Q: Why the trait approach to leadership has no empirical support?
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What is traits approach?

trait approach is a about to the study of human personality.

What can you learn from the trait theories of leadership?

Leaders are born and not made.

What is the difference between trait and behavioral theory of leadership?

The trait theory of leadership assumes that a leader must have certain virtues or traits in order to succeed. The behavioral theory relies only on a leader's actions.

What is the trait theory?

The trait approach to personality is also known as the dispositional theory. It is an approach to the study of human personality wherein it measures traits that are considered to be habitual patterns of behavior and emotion.

What are the main thoughts of trait theories of leadership?

Trait theories of leadership say that a particular set of personal characteristics make for a good leader. My personal guess is that the best set of traitl for leadership are: integrity, vision, and courage. Other people may have a different list.

What is one problem with the trait perspective of leadership?

It excludes people who may not have this trait. Anyone can be a leader regardless of their traits if they put in the effort.

What are some negative trait?

there are a lot of negative leadership trait but some of them are Micro Manage, Favouritisim, Selfish, Indecisive, Inconsistent, Hypocritical, Dishonest

What is leadership and leadership styles?

A leader refer to a person who influence subordinate or follower to accomplish a a job through process to achieve a goal. leadership style is individual behaviour or trait

What is leadership and leadership style?

A leader refer to a person who influence subordinate or follower to accomplish a a job through process to achieve a goal. leadership style is individual behaviour or trait

What are some negative leadership traits?

there are a lot of negative leadership trait but some of them are Micro Manage, Favouritisim, Selfish, Indecisive, Inconsistent, Hypocritical, Dishonest

What are the flaws of traits theory of leadership?

One flaw of trait theory is that it oversimplifies leadership by suggesting that certain traits are universally effective in all situations. Another flaw is the difficulty in determining which traits are truly indicative of effective leadership, as traits can vary greatly depending on the context. Additionally, trait theory fails to consider the impact of situational factors and followers' characteristics on leadership effectiveness.

What evidence did Mendel find that support his assortment?

One trait does not affect whether another trait will be passed on