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The noun 'kind' as a word for 'type or class' is an abstract noun because it is a concept, something that is learned, known, or understood. It is not a physical thing. A kind of bean or a kind of pavement is something that is determined by knowledge.

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Q: Why the word kind which means a type or class is an abstract noun?
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What abstract noun can you make from kind?

The the noun 'kind' is an abstract noun as a word for type or class; having similar characteristics.The abstract noun for kind is kindness.

What abstract noun from kind?

The noun 'kind' is an abstact noun as a word for a type or class. The abstract noun form of the adjective "kind" is "kindness".

What is the abstract noun related to 'kind'?

The word 'kind' is an abstract noun, a word for a class or group having characteristics in common; a sort; a type. Example: He's my kind of man. The abstract noun form for the adjective kind is kindness.

Is the word species an abstract noun?

Yes, the noun 'species' is an abstract noun, a word for a class of things of the same kind; a word for a concept.

Is kind an abstract noun?

Yes, the noun 'kind' is an abstract noun as a word for a type or class or something, a word for a concept.The abstract noun form of the adjective "kind" is kindness, a word for a quality.Abstract nouns are those which your five senses cannot detect. You cannot see them, hear them, smellthem, taste them, or feel them.

What is Abstract noun of kind?

The word kindness is the abstract noun form for the adjective kind.

What kind of noun is chore?

Chore is an abstract noun; a singular abstract noun.

What kind of noun is natural?

As a noun, natural is a common, singular, abstract noun.

What is the concrete noun for kind?

The noun 'kind' is an abstract noun. There is no form for kind that is a concrete noun.

Is 'kind' an example of an abstract noun?

Yes, the noun 'kind' is an abstract noun as a word for a word for a group united by common traits.

What kind of noun is anger?

It is an abstract noun.

Is kinder abstract noun?

No, the word 'kinder' is the comparative form of the adjective 'kind'.The abstract noun form of the adjective 'kind' is kindness.The noun 'kind' is an abstract noun as a word for a particular type or variety of person or thing; a word for a concept.