

Why theories keep changing?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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That management theory can be as precise as theories in fields of accountingfinance and psychology?

Management theory can not be as precise as theories in accounting or finance. That is because management theories keep on changing or getting invalidated as new occurrences appear and as new research gets published.

Are changing scientific theories a weakness or strength of science?

It depends. If the Theory is correct, changing is a weakness. If the Theory is incorrect,changing is a strength.

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behavorists theories

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It means that the teachers must also keep up with the new technologies and new theories and information available on the subject they teach so that they can pass that information on to their students.

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That depends who you mean by "they"; also, what they are changing their mind about.

Are theories ever changed or modified after they have been tested?

Nope. They keep the theory the way it is. No one changes it. Usually, when scientist have tested the theory and find out something new, they create a new theory instead of changing the first one.

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Why aren't theories considered absolute truth?

Theories aren't considered absolute truths because science is always changing; as new evidence is uncovered, a theory may be revised or replaced by a more useful explanation.

What do all the theories explaining how the dinosaurs became extinct have in common?

they couldnt adapt to changing atmosphere and climate so they all died out

How has the field of child psychology evolved in the last ten years?

Child psychology is an ever changing field. There are theories that still hold from more than fifty years ago and theories that are currently developing. However, more knowledge is know in the department than ten years ago. It is still a young field and continually changing.