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The Thermal Conductivity Value is important because it allows engineers or anyone find a material that insulates something like a shuttle to make sure that the extreme heat of re-entry or the extreme cold of space travel will not come in and boil astronauts or freeze them out. The lower the Thermal Conductivity Value the better it insulates.

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Heat transfer enables study various thermodynamic processes and their effects in equipment design, insulation properties, material selection etc.

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Q: Why thermal conductivity value is important in engineering?
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Out of civil engineering and mechanical engineering which have more value?

civil engineering has more value civil engineering has more value

If conductivity solution is frozen will it change the conductivity?

Conductivity of frozen solution will decrease tremendously, as iones will be immobile in frozen solution. However, upon defrost, the conductivity should return to standard value, if salt has not percititated out of solution irreversibly, which is not ususally the case with conductivity standard solutions.

What does value engineering refer to?

Value engineering refers to a system to improve the value of products by examining the function. Value is defined by a ratio of cost to function and value engineering is specifically defined in a public law.

Different between value analysis and value engineering?

There is no difference between value analysis and value engineering. Both are names applied to the same formal analytical process developed at General Electric in 1947 by Larry Miles. It was originally called value analysis, and has come to be called by several names as time has passed (value analysis, value engineering, value management, the value methodology). The term "Value Engineering" is also often mis-used to refer to any exercise to reduce cost. Don Stafford, VP-Education, SAVE International

What are the characteristics of ceramics?

Physical properties means the behavior of materials in response to physical forces other than mechanical, such as; Volumetric, thermal, electric and electrochemical properties. Most Ceramics are lighter than metals but heavier than polymers. Most ceramics have a higher melting point than most metals as it is that some ceramics such as China can with stand high temperatures to about 1200 degrees centigrade. Ceramics also has lower Electrical and Thermal Conductivity than most metals but the range of value is greater in ceramics permitting some ceramics to be used as insulators, for example Porcelain insulators and others as conductors like Lithium-ion conducting glass-ceramics and oxide ceramics. Thermal expansion is another physical property of ceramics, Ceramic thermal expansion coefficients are less than those of metals but effects are more damaging in ceramics bringing about cracks and other failures(Thermal shock and thermal cracking) as for ceramic materials with relatively high thermal expansion and low thermal conductivity however there is glass ceramics that has low thermal expansion thus resisting thermal shock and thermal cracking, for example Pyrex glass ceramics. Thus the physical properties being but not limited to permeability, elasticity, considerable strength, hardness, brittleness, resistance to chemical attack and thermal shock.

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Does the value of thermal conductivity depend on the dimension of the specimen?

Thermal conductivity is an intensive property. It is inherent in the material but not dependent on the amount of material. This should not be confused with the rate of heat conduction which can depend on the dimensions of a material. There is one case where the thermal conductivity might depend on the dimension of the material - when the conductivity is not uniform with direction, i.e. where conductivity laterally is different from conductivity longitudinally. When the orientation of the material changes the conductivity, the dimensions can have an effect on the apparent bulk thermal conductivity.

Does glass have a higher thermal conductivity than wood?

Depending on the glass, it has a K value between 0.8 and 1.1 Wood has a K value of between 0.04 and 0.4 The higher the K value the better the thermal conductivity. Thus glass has a higher thermal conductivity than wood.

Why value engineering is important in computer engineering?

Value engineering is important because companies want to differentiate their products from their competitors. Value engineering adds features for the customers.

Is salt a good condutor of heat?

The thermal conductivity of sodium chloride is 6,5 W/m.K at 25 0C. This is a modest value.

What metal conducts heat faster stainless steel or aluminum?

Aluminum. It has a higher value for thermal conductivity than stainless steels.

What material has high thermal conductivity but low electrical conductivity?

Someone wrote "what material has the highest R-value". This answer is not conducive to progress in their learning. The "r" in R-value stands for Resistance, that is, resistance to flow of heat. Conductivity is the reciprocal, or inverse, of the Resistivity. "Thermal Conductivity" is transfer of Heat. Since Heat is ultimately the jiggling around of small bits of Matter (fundamental particles like electrons, protons and neutrons), then atoms (assemblages of these 3 fundamental particles), then molecules (assemblages of similar or dissimilar atoms), or also the jiggling around of atoms within molecules) - then the material with the highest Resistivity would be the Absence of Matter, this is, Vacuum (not quite a material, strictly speaking, but "found" between the walls of a vacuum, or "Dewar", flask). For the material with (possibly) the lowest Resistivity, or highest Conductivity, try the Wikipedia article on "Thermal Conductivity". If you're a girl, it may be your best friend.

Out of civil engineering and mechanical engineering which have more value?

civil engineering has more value civil engineering has more value

Why is the conductivity value of deionized water subtracted from the conductivity values of molecular compounds?


What is the R value of concrete?

The R value of a material is the thermal resistance of the material, so is dependent on the material's thickness. R is also the inverse of a material's thermal conductivity U. To work it out you need the k value ( the thermal conductivity) of the material and the thickness, then R=thickness/k. The k value for structural concrete (of density 2300kg/m3) is 1.6 W/mK (Units: Watts / (metre x degrees Kelvin) so for a thickness 100mm (0.1m) of this concrete, R=0.06 m2°C/W. Note that the R value in imperial units will not be the same. Check the units for any R value of any material that is given.

Is a electrical conductivity a physical property?

Because some metals do conduct electricity, it is considered a physical property. Since some metals are conductive, the conductivity is technically a physical property of all metals, even if the value of conductivity is zero.

What is the molar conductivity of kcl in infinit dilution?

what is the literature value of KCl molar conductivity at infinite dilution