

Why things float in the dead sea?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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becuase there is such a high salinity that the water is too thick for anything to sink in it

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Q: Why things float in the dead sea?
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Why there is no life in dead sea n why things n living things float on its surface?

Because it is full of dissolved salt which makes the density of things lighter, and therefore makes them float.

Why do most things float in the Dead Sea?

The Dead Sea is much saltier than other seas. The dissolved salt increases the density of the water, making it easier to float on.

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The Dead Sea is known for its high salt content, which makes it easy for humans to float on its surface.

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What is the name of the sea that is so full of salt you just float in it?

The DEAD SEA 'Jordon'

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Assuming it's a regular steel anchor, an anchor, can't float in the dead sea. Dead Sea water is dense and buoyant for being water, but it's not THAT dense.

Why is the dead sea in Israel so dense?

because of a lot of salt is in it The dead sea has no outlet. Water flows into it but not out. The area where the dead sea is is an arid zone so rainfall is low. Water evaporates from the dead sea but because there is not much water flowing into it the dead sea becomes concentrated with mineral salts and that makes it dense.

Why a man can float in a dead sea?

because it has so much salt in it that it enables the body to float instead of sinking in the water

How you float on the dead sea?

Yes because there is so much salt in dead sea water the water is denser making you relatively lighter compared to normal water.

Which sea is so saline that you can float in it?

Pretty sure it's the Dead Sea