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Crossing the legs at the knees can cause an increase in systolic BP as well as a smaller increase in diastolic BP. Crossing the legs at the ankles does not have a significant impact on altering BP.

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Q: Why uncross legs while getting blood pressure taken?
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What is blood pressure taking with?

Blood pressure is taken with a sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope.

What is a normal blood pressure for goats?

Blood pressure is not something is taken on goats. The normal blood pressure on a human should be below 140 and 90.

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Can blood pressure medications be taken as a PRN?

Most blood pressure medications are taken as a preventive method or for controlling the rise of blood pressure. In light of this, a pro re nata (PRN) order from your doctor or cardiologist is unlikely. However, if the medication is for controlling acute systems of blood pressure, it is usually used pro re nata.

What measurements are taken when determining a person's blood pressure?

Systolic and Diastolic pressure measurements are taken. Systolic is the higher pressure measurement, when the heart ventricles are contracted, and Diastolic is the lower pressure when the ventricles are filling. So if somebody's blood pressure is 120/80, then 120 is the systolic pressure and 80 is the diastolic pressure

Why is blood pressure taken at the neck or wrist?

That Is Where Your Pulse Strongest (: <33

What is the best method in taking the blood pressure of newborn?

Blood pressure in newborns is not a good indicator of health. Taking blood pressure of a newborn is usually not done unless there is an underlying issue (i.e. cardiac issues). Blood pressure is usually taken using the thigh.

Can blood pressure be taken in the arm with the PICC line?

No. Use the other arm or lower extremities if it's appropriate.

What takes your blood pressure?

Your blood pressure can be taken with a mercury blood pressure gauge, an aneroid manometer, or an electronic device for measuring the blood pressure, as long as the device has been recently calibrated and validated. With rare exceptions, blood pressure gauges found in supermarkets or pharmacies aren't properly maintained and shouldn't be used.

I think my blood pressure is high, how can I find out?

You can find out if you have high blood pressure by having your blood pressure checked regularly. Most doctors will diagnose a person with high blood pressure on the basis of two or more readings, taken on several occasions. A consistent blood pressure reading of 140/90 mmHg or higher is considered high blood pressure, another term for hypertension.

What type of blood vessel do you take blood pressure in?

Blood pressure is taken through an artery. Normal BP is highest in the artery side of the circulatory system and lower in the venous side.