

Why use java script in HTML?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why use java script in HTML?
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What is java script code for password?

There is an html form element for password. Validation script for password doesn't differ from script of html text element

How do you restrict no of characters in text box in HTML?

by using java script

What should you known to study java script?

Xhtml/html & css

What is used to create large program on internet?

Java script

What does it mean to do HTML submit?

HTML means Hypertext Markup Language. The tag is used for various javascripts and Java programs. HTML submit is a form of a script in Java programming.

How can we use script tag in java?

to implement javascript embed the statements between <script> n </script>,,, and include any scripting language. eg:<script LANGUAGE="javascript"> block of codes </script>

How does java script ehance the capabilites of HTML?

Javascript can change how HTML will work, alike how CSS makes HTML look flashy.

How can you include imagesw using HTML and java script?

<img src="img.jpg" />

How can you designing a web?

You can design a websites with the help of HTML,CSS and Java Script.

Does HTML code work in java script?

Yes it does. That is how client side validation of html control is possible using javascript

Does java script coding mean using it for Java programs only Can you use it for Unity or Game-maker?

Java and JavaScript are different, and quite unrelated, languages. JavaScript is not "for Java"; basically you use JavaScript to create special effects on Web pages (HTML pages).

Does Java Script use the same compiler as Java?
