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two ions can combine in only one combination

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Cyril Kohler

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2y ago
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6mo ago

Prefixes are used for molecular compounds to indicate the number of atoms of each element present in the compound. They help provide a clear and specific name for the compound based on its composition. Without prefixes, it would be difficult to differentiate between different compounds with the same elements but different ratios of those elements.

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Q: Why use prefixes for molecular compounds?
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What is the relationship between prefixes and molecular compounds?

the relationship between prefixes and molecular compounds is that, prefix are used to name molecular compounds.

What types of compounds use prefixes in the names?

covalent compounds use prefixes

Why do you put prefixes in front of molecular compositions but not ionic compounds?

Just because

Why is Al2O3 is named aluminum oxide without prefixes?

Aluminum oxide is an ionic compound. Prefixes are not used in naming ionic compounds, but are used in naming binary molecular compounds.

Is Triphosphorous pentachloride ionic or molecular?

Molecular. If you compare the electronegativities of phosphorus and chlorine, the difference between them falls in a spectrum of molecular compounds. The quick and easy answers : 1) non metals only = molecular. 2) the prefixes in the name (tri =3, penta=5) are used for the naming of molecular compounds (and hydrates)

What are the covalent compounds?

Covalent compounds share electronsCovalent compounds are neutralB.The compounds share electrons.C.The compounds show no charge.D.The compounds are named with Greek prefixes.

Are molecular compounds formed from semimetals?

Molecular compounds certainly can be formed from semimetals, but not all the compounds of semimetals are molecular.

How do you differentiate simple molecular compounds and giant molecular compounds?

simple molecular compounds have weak forces of atraction.

How do molecular compounds bond?

When molecular compounds bond, they share electrons.

Types of compounds that use prefixes in their names are?

Prefixes in a name generally indicate the number of atoms of a certain element in a compound. For example, carbon dioxide has two atoms of oxygen and one atom of carbon.

How do you find out the volume when you have molecular weight and wt of compound?

Use the compounds density.

Why is it that only molecular compounds can have a molecular formula?

Because there are no compounds that aren't molecules/molecular. The question as posed is nonsense. Rephrase?