

Why use silk for parachutes?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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because i said so 8-)

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Q: Why use silk for parachutes?
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Related questions

What material are used to make military parachutes?

I think that they currently use nylon, but they used to use silk

What did they use to make parachutes out of up until World War 2 and what are they made out of now?

Silk, up until the war. Japan controlled all the silk-making areas, so silk was unobtainable, for either parachutes or ladies hosiery. Both are made of the synthetic nylon today.

What are parachutes out of?

Parachutes were originally made of silk, but now they are probably made of an artificial material like nylon.

What is a parachuote made of?

Parachutes are made of silk, or nylon

What were World War 2 parachutes made out of?


What were parachutes made of in world war 2?


What properties of silk that make them suitable material for parachutes?

silk is no longer used for making parachutes. It was a good material before nylon came along, but no parachutes are made from silk anymore. Not for decades. <><><><> When it WAS used, it was because it was very light, extremely strong, was not bulky, and could be woven in a very tight weave.

What were the first parachutes made from?

Silk. Later nylon was used.

How is silk use today?

Mostly for clothing. Silk was used for its strength and fineness of its fiber, but gradually synthetics were able to replace silk. Nylon was probably the major factor in silk's decline. Stockings, parachutes, various rigging were all originally silk, but nylon is more reliable, because it's not affected by water, mildew or rot.

What would a silk parachute be worth?

Most of the silk parachutes are worth a price ranging between $50 and $75. The price you can get will depend upon its condition and the age of the parachute.

Why was silk the prefered textile fiber for parachutes in World War 2?

Because of it's light weight and strength.

How is silk made and what is it used for?

Silk is a natural fiber, secreted by silkworms to form their cocoons. Silk fabric is woven from the silk threads. The fabric is very soft, very slick, and very strong. It is used to make fine clothing- and at one time, it was used to make parachutes.