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venus is hotter then the other planets because of 2 things.

it is the 2nd closest planet from the sun, so it receives a lot of heat from the sun.

Unlike Mercury (the closest planet to the sun), Venus has a very thick atmosphere that traps the heat of of the sun in a run away greenhouse effect.

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Q: Why venus is the hottest planet than the other planet?
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What was the hottest planet of all?

In our solar system, the hottest planet is Venus. Even though the planet is second-closest to the sun, Venus' atmosphere holds in a lot of the heat, making it hotter than Mercury.

Which planet is closer to the sun and why isn't it the hottest planet?

Mercury is closer to the Sun than any other. Venus is the second planet from the sun and has a temperature that is maintained at 462 degrees Celsius, no matter where you go on the planet. It is the hottest planet in the solar system.

Which planet is closest to the sun why isin't it the hottest planet?

Mercury is the closest planet toward the sun. Although it should be the hottest planet, it is not. Venus, the planet right next to Mercury, is the hottest planet. Mercury can get up to 800 to 900 degrees Fahrenheit, but Venus can get up to 900 to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit, which is about 100 degrees hotter than Mercury's surface. FUN FACT! Venus is the hottest planet because it is filled with volcanoes erupting every second. Another reason why Venus is the hottest planet is because of it's rain. Venus actually rains boiling hot acid!

Which planet is the hottest Venus or Neptune?

Venus is much closer to the Sun than Neptune and, is the hotter of the two planets.

Is Venus colder than Neptune?

No. Venus is much hotter than Neptune. It is the hottest planet in the solar system. Neptune is the coldest.

Is the planet closet to the sun the hottest?

No. For example Venus is the second closest planet but is the hottest. This is because it has a thick atmosphere and therefore it holds the heat in more than mercury (the closest planet) does.

What is the hottest planet in milky way galaxy?

It is not known, since we don't know all the planets in the galaxy, but in our solar system Mercury is the hottest planet, since it's closest to the sun. The hottest planet in Milky Way would be some planet closest to the biggest and hottest star there is. that is wrong, venus, due to it's hot surface and acid gases and things like that, make it the hottest planet. Mercury has no atmosphere, and Venus has a large CO2 high pressure atmosphere, hence Venus is hotter than Mercury!

What does Venus do more than any other planet?

Venus rotates on its axis slower than any other planet.

What planet is second from the sun?

The second planet from the Sun is Venus. Also, it is the hottest planet in our solar system. Even though Venus is the second planet from the sun. What makes Venus Hotter than Mercury is, Carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas and traps infrared radiation beneath.

Do the closest planet to the sun always have the hottest surface temperatures?

No. For example Venus is the second closest planet but is the hottest. This is because it has a thick atmosphere and therefore it holds the heat in more than Mercury (the closest planet) does.