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It removes air pockets naturally created in a poor which keeps out moister and improves the strength.

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Q: Why vibrate concrete?
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Related questions

What is the procedures to produce heavy density concrete?

Density of concrete shall be achieved by 1. Providing airtight / watertight form work (Shuttrering to ensure no cement slurry is pilferred), 2. Using appropriate vibrators to vibrate the poured concrete to ensure proper compaction 3. Adding properely desinged admixtures and 4. Adequate design mix of concrete (M10 to M35) - m Velsamy -

What is the sentence for vibrate?

The sentence for vibrate is "The phone began to vibrate on the table."

What must air do inside the tube of a brass instrument to produce a sound?

It has to vibrate.

What is vibrate?

vibrate is somthink

Can your iPad vibrate?

No. The only Apple products that vibrate are the iPhones

Mechanical waves are created when a source of energy causes a medium to?

it cause it to vibrate!

How does light vibrate?

Well, it can vibrate very fast.

Why does your groin vibrate?

Someone is ringing you, you have your phone on vibrate.

Why do your gauges vibrate when you start your car?

Cars vibrate.

Do atoms vibrate less when they are hotter?

No, they vibrate more.

Do particles vibrate slower when heated?

No, they vibrate faster.

What is the abstract noun vibrate?

the abstract noun for vibrate is vibration