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It was allied to the UK and US.

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Q: Why was Australia under attack form the Japanese in World War 2?
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Why did both new zealand and Australia have to release soldiers for home front by 1944?

Australia was under attack by the Japanese and defending Australia was of the utmost importance.

How did World War 1 differ from World War 2 from an Australian point of view?

I think the main difference is that in WWI, Australia was hardly attacked, but in WWII, there were under attack by the Japanese

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What events led to Australia under attack

Why was Australia under threat by the Japanese?

ada ky kikido . .

Why did MacArthur come to Australia?

He had to escape the Philippines where they were under attack. He went to an island fortress of Corrigedor, which is in Australia

Which place in Australia is known as Down under?

The continent country of Australia is often referred to as "down under". This goes back to the early pioneer years when looking at a map (or world globe) Australia is always depicted at being almost at the bottom of the world, or down under.

What are the under populated countries of the world?

Norway, Australia

Who was involved in the Pearl Harbor attack by Japan?

The imperial Japanese air force and navy under command of general Tojo

Why was Hawaii put under martial law?

Because in Hawaii there was a lot of Japanese people so they thought that some of them told the Japanese people in Japan when the battleships and planes would be there so then the Japanese people attack then and there.

Was the US government justified in sending Japanese Americans to internment camps after the attack on pearl harbor?

No, they were not concentration camps as the Germans built. They were Detention camps to keep the Japanese-American people under observation.

Why you use down under with Australia?

coz its at the bottom of the world! GO OZZIE!

Was Taiwan under Japanese control during World War 2?

yes yes