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There was no way around the land.

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Q: Why was Christopher Columbus ready to give up his plan to sail to the Indies?
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Why did people think Christopher Columbus was crazy?

Contradicting popular belief, Christopher Columbus didnt think that the world was round, he thought he could sail around the world without falling off the edge. People didnt think this could be done, but Christopher Columbus's reasoning for this was that he could reach the east indies because the world was a cylinder. If you roll up a map you can under stand this because then, nobody had discovered up past the edges of Antarctica and the Arctic. So, Christopher Columbus didnt have much support in going to the east indies. Also, the Spanish didnt give him a very good ship either. They thought he was going to die. When he got there he killed many of the natives and enslaved others. That is why we think he is crazy now, but this isnt what we teach in elementary school

Did Christopher Columbus keep trying or give up easily?

he kept trying

When did the king and queen of Spain give Christopher Columbus his ships?

In the 1400's

What did Christopher Columbus give the natives?

he gave them beads and show them colorful birds

Why did christopher Columbus visits great can in guisay?

Columbus wanted to visit the Great Can (Khan) to give him the letters of the Catholic kings.

What explorer sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean to reach the West Indies?

Christopher Columbus wanted to reach the East Indies by sailing west. He tried to raised the money for this expedition in Italy and Portugal, but no one would give him the ships he needed. Finally Columbus went to the king and queen of Spain. They gave him three ships; the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, as well as a crew and the money he needed to make the trip. On October 12, 1492 Columbus reached the land. He had not found the Indies. He was really in the Atlantic Ocean. The islands he discovered were off the coast of North America; San Salvador then Cuba which Columbus called Juana. Columbus went back to Spain and showed everyone the gold and other goods he had found. Columbus sailed back to the New World three more times.