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Q: Why was Germany required to pay for the reperations for ww1?
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What was Germany forced to pay the allied countries after ww1?

Called reperations the value is equivalent to 30 trillion of todays American dollars

What does reperations mean WW1?

Reperations were the costs of damages and property loss that were paid in World War One. It was decided in the Treaty of Versailles that Germany would pay the bill for the war reperations at a total of $33 billion dollars. This destroyed the German economy.

What treaty required Germany to pay reparation after ww1?

Treaty of Versailles

How much was the Treaty of Versailles in WW1?

A lot beacuse of the reperations

Who did Germany pay 33 billion dollars to in reparations?

The treaty of Versailles required Germany to pay 33 billion dollars (£6.6 million) in reparations for the cause of WW1.

What did Woodrow Wilson think about Germany?

woodrow wilson thought that germany had to pay for its destructive part in ww1

Who were forced to pay for damages of ww1?

Germany was forced to pay reparations under the Treaty of Versailles, but they were unhappy about this

What were the vast sums of money called that Germany had to pay back after ww1?

War reparations.

What happen to Germany after ww1?

At the end of the war Germany was required to pay reparations to the other countries they fought, were not able to maintain a military. After 20 years Germany was hurting and people were out of work with high inflation. This helped Hitler to gain power because he promised that these problems would be solved.

How much should Germany be asked to pay for the damage in ww1?

The time for paying for WW I is long past.

Was Germany alone responsible for causing ww1?

no it was germany,hungary and italy who caused most of the damage in ww1

Why was Germany banned from World War 1?

they were forced to pay reparations and the number of men they could have in their army was limited.