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Q: Why was James Clerk Maxwell's discovery so important?
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Who was James clerk maxwells family?

According to Wikipedia they were John Clerk Maxwell and Frances Maxwell.

What age is James Clerk Maxwells mum?

She died a long time ago, in 1839.

What is James clerk maxwell the founder of moder?

I think the question means, what did James Clerk Maxwell discover or invent...? His major achievement was the discovery and analysis of electromagnetic radiation, leading to the development of radio communications.

Why was James cooks discovery important?

shut your face up

Who found that electric and magnetic energy move in waved?

James Clerk Maxwell

Where did James clerk maxwell die?

James Clerk Maxwell died in die

What are the names held by James clerk maxwell?

The only names are James Clerk Maxwell.

When was James Clerk Maxwell born?

James Clerk Maxwell was born on June 13, 1831.

What is James Clerk Maxwell's birthday?

James Clerk Maxwell was born on June 13, 1831.

What country was James clerk maxwell from?

James Clerk Maxwell was born and lived in Scotland in the 17th century

Why do you remember James Clerk Maxwell?

James Clerk Maxwell is the author of the Maxwell equations, which are fundamental to our understanding of electromagnetism.