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Because he was thinking of Jerusalem above, the holy city and the mother of us all.

Please see Galatians 4.25

Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

26. But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

Please also see Revelation 21.2

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Q: Why was Jerusalem important to jesus?
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Why is Jerusalem important to Christianity?

Jerusalem was where Jesus died and rose again and also where He taught.Baby jesus was born there innit

Why is Jerusalem an important place according to Christianity?

Christians believe that Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem. The crucifixion of Jesus and Holy Week is the most important time in a Christian's timeline.

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Jerusalem has some significance for Christians as that is where Jesus was crucified but really it is just a city there is nothing holy or important about Jerusalem for Christians. There is nothing important about going there.

Why is Jerusalem so important to Christianity?

Jerusalem is important because a number of major events that shaped Christianity took place there. It is in Jerusalem that Jesus Christ was crucified and where He arose from.

What is the importantce of Jerusalem?

Jerusalem is important because it is the place where Jesus was crucified. It is also the place where Christianity begun.

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Why was Jerusalem so important to the Muslims in the crusades?

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Why do the Christians think Jerusalem is important for their religion?

Jerusalem is the Holy City in which Jesus spent most of his life. He was born in a small town outside the city, he was executed within the city on the Via Dolorosa, and he did his teachings in both Jerusalem temples and in Gentile territory.

What is the sighficance of Jerusalem?

Jerusalem is important because its where Jesus was hung on the cross, & where he rose in three days. And where he will come back to sit the New Jerusalem up that John seen. It is where Jesus life begin & & where we will will find total peace from the world you might say.