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Jesus wasn't really a leader of Israel. He had the right heritage to be the King of Israel but He was rejected by the nation of Israel.

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Being "in very nature God" would probably be the big one.

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Q: Why was Jesus different from any other leader of Israel?
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The best answer to that question would be "Jesus". If you're keen to know the current earthly leader, Christianity is a very divers faith so there is no one single universally recognised "religious leader". Catholics recognise the pope (currently Pope Francis) as their earthly leader. Other churches recognise other leaders and adopt different models of church leadership.

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Did Israel exist in the time of Jesus?

No. Israel ceased to exist as a nation after its destruction by the Assyrians in 722 BCE. The territory formerly occupied by the Israelites became the Assyrian province of Samaria, although by the time of Jesus it was under Roman control. A new nation of Israel was formed in 1949, covering much of the former lands of Israel, and also the former lands of Judah and some other territory.

Where was Christianity founded?

Christianity was founded in Israel, where the teachings of Jesus Christ began. Because of prosecution, the church dispersed into Greece, Syria, Asia Minor and all sorts of other places.Christ's church was founded in Jerusalem. The account is found in Acts 2.Christianity was found in Israel. In Israel where Jesus taught. I wouldn't say it was founded more like evolved from the Jewish faith tradition. Jesus was a Jew.Matthew 16:18I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.

What did the people of Israel call one man?

Almost all Jews (including those in Israel) will not mention the name of Jesus Christ. They usually call Him "This man." or other non-nominative pronouns.

Why was Christianity founded in israel?

God desired all persons to love Him and follow Him because Adam and Eve had sinned in the Garden of Eden and were separated from God, and every person since that time were born separated from God. So God chose a nation (Israel) to bring forth the Messiah so that all persons would have a chance to come back to Him. Jesus is that Messiah (Christ). He was born to Mary in Bethlehem and was from the tribe of Judah. Jesus was born a Jew (An Israelite. When Jesus was crucified on the cross on Calvary and was resurrected the third day after the "New Covenant" went into force. People in Israel and in other parts of the known world believed on Jesus as the Messiah. Not many years after the resurrection in the city of Antioch the followers of Jesus became known as Christians (Christ-ians). So because Jesus lived and died and was resurrected in Israel, Christianity was founded in Israel.