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Q: Why was Luther considered an outcast during the reformation?
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Who began Protestantism?

Martin luther during the reformation in the 16th century

Which two people were at the forefront in calling for change during the Reformation?

John Calvin/Martin Luther

Did the Protestant Reformation occur during the middle ages or during the renaissance?

The Protestant Reformation is considered to have been begun in the early years of the 16th century by people like Martin Luther and John Calvin. A commonly given date for its beginning is 1517. This is usually considered to be well after the end of the Middle Age, as ending dates for the Middle Ages are most commonly reckoned to be 1453 or 1485.

Who were the important people during the Reformation?

Theodore Beza.Martin Bucer.Heinrich Bullinger.Johannes Hus.John Calvin.Andreas von Carlstadt, later a Radical Reformer.Wolfgang Fabricius Capito.Martin Chemnitz.From Hunter

What came first the Protestant Reformation or the Renaissance?

The Protestant Reformation took place in 1517, and split Christianity between Catholicism and Protestantism. Rhode Island was founded by radical theologian, Roger Williams in 1636, after being driven out of the Massachusetts colony for what was considered radical thinking in those days.

Who was the most influential women during the reformation?

Marguerite of Navarre- she protected John Calvin from being killed for his beliefs Katherina Von Bora- was the wife of Martin Luther

Who was the great composer during the Counter Reformation?

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina was a renowned composer during the Counter-Reformation. He is best known for his sacred music compositions, particularly his masses and motets, which reflected the spirit of the Catholic Church during this period.Palestrina's works were considered to embody the ideals of the Counter-Reformation by achieving clarity and purity of expression in sacred music.

What problems did the catholic church face during reformation?

During the Reformation, the Catholic Church faced challenges such as corruption among clergy, criticism of indulgences (selling of forgiveness), and questions about the authority of the Pope. The emergence of Protestant reformers like Martin Luther further divided the Church and led to a loss of followers in some areas.

Who was the Swiss reformation leader during the Protestant Reformation?

John Calvin

Was john Locke alive during the Reformation or renaissance?

yes, the reformation

Why was huldrych zwingli important?

He was an very important Swiss teacher and theologian during the 16th Century Reformation. His work, however did not grow into a separate church. Similar to Luther, he taught the supremacy of Scripture. He was a lot stricter and detailed in his teachings than Luther, though.

Is Obama one of Martin Luthers kids?

No, Martin Luther was a German monk who started the Reformation of the Catholic Church and the Protestant Movement during the Renaissance. This happened in the early 16th century.