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Probably it had to do with his hair colour.

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Q: Why was Macbeth called the red king?
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What was Macbeth's cousin called?

He's called King Duncan.

Has Macbeth got a son called fleance?

No, Banquo has a son called Fleance. In Shakespeare's play it is unclear whether Macbeth has any children. The historical King Macbeth had a stepson, Lulach (son of Lady Macbeth and her first husband Gillecomlan) who succeeded him as king.

What Scottish King was the subject of a Shakespearean play?

The play that delt with Scottish History was Macbeth, a story of a man who goes crazy and kills his father to take his place as king, I read the Bard of Avon. That book is all about Shakespeare

Who is the king in Macbeth?

Initially Duncan is the king in Macbeth, however Macbeth later kills him and becomes king himself.

Why did Macbeth have a banquet?

Yes they did. In celebration of Macbeth becoming king.

What is lady Macbeth's role I am Macbeth's decision to murder the king?

She tells him that he has to die so MacBeth can become king.

What was Macbeths role in Macbeth?

Macbeth is King Duncan's cousin as well as a general of the king. Later into the play, he becomes king.

Macbeth was a leader of what country?

In the Shakespearean play, Macbeth was the leader of Scotland. Macbeth was an actual, historical figure. And the genealogical and historical records have agreed with William Shakespeare in that regard.As in the play, Macbeth indeeded succeeded King Duncan I. But Macbeth wasn't succeeded immediately by the King's son, the future Malcolm III. Instead, he was succeeded by his own stepson, the subsequent King Lulach. Lulach was the son of Macbeth's Lady, Gruoch ingen Boite, and her first husband, Gille Coemgain

What king did Macbeth kill in the beginning of Macbeth?

Macbeth killed King Duncan after hearing the witches' prophecies and being urged on by his wife, Lady Macbeth

Did king Macbeth get punished?

Not sure what you mean by that but historically malcolm army caught up with macbeth at a place called Lumphanan. There was a battle and it is said that macbeth was captured and had his head chopped off

What are king duncans guards called?

The guards who serve King Duncan in William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth" are known as the thanes.

How many men reign as king in Macbeth?

There are six men who reign as king in Shakespeare's Macbeth: Duncan, Macbeth, Malcolm, Donalbain, Macbeth's son, and Macduff.