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She tells him that he has to die so Macbeth can become king.

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Q: What is lady Macbeth's role I am Macbeth's decision to murder the king?
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Why is Lady Macbeth anxious to have Duncan at Dunsinane?

Lady Macbeth isn't anxious to have Duncan at Dunsinane. Dunsinane is the palatial residence where the Macbeths live after they are crowned King and Queen of the Scots. King Duncan is killed at the previous residence of the Macbeths, at Inverness. And the murder of the King is exactly why the Lady seeks, and then delights in, his presence in her home [Act 2 Scenes 5-7].

What is lady macbeths plan to kill the king?

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Lady Macbeth has an understanding that her husband has no manhood and is a cowered. Thinking her husband is a cowered is what helps convince her that the murder plot should be carried out.

How has king shown his affections for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth?

Duncan shows his affection for the Macbeths by giving them gifts. In particular he gives Lady M a jewel.

Who told Macbeth of lady macbeths murder?

someone in the castle. if i recall well, a messenger/servant.

What plan does Macbeths not reveal to lady Macbeths?

Macbeth does not reveal his plan to kill Banquo and Fleance (Banquo's son) to Lady Macbeth.

Why did lady macduff call her husband a traitor?

The answer to thy question you asked is the fact that Macbeth was unable to follow Lady Macbeth's instructions and did not follow the instruction to murder thy king called Duncan. This was because thy sons of Duncan would take macbeths role in being king.

What are Macbeths feeling about overthrowing king duncan?

Lady M is all for it but Macbeth is unsure and has to be pushed into doing it. He then immediately regrets it.

What part does Lady Macbeth play in Macbeths decision to kill the king?

The crucial part. Without Lady Macbeth, this would have been Macbeth's final decision: "We will proceed no further in this business." Macbeth would never have killed Duncan unless Lady Macbeth had goaded him into it.

What was lady Macbeths condition before her death?

Lady Macbeth was suffering from extreme guilt of the act of murder against Duncan. She was confessing to the crime in her sleep. The guilt was eating away at her until she committed suicide.

What does lady Macbeth compare macbeths face to?

a book

Why do lady macbeths comments work on Macbeth?

what the hell ? ?