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The crucial part. Without Lady Macbeth, this would have been Macbeth's final decision: "We will proceed no further in this business." Macbeth would never have killed Duncan unless Lady Macbeth had goaded him into it.

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Her part is decisive. If you read or watch Act 1 Scene 7 you will know that Macbeth, left on his own, decided not to commit the murder. He says "We shall proceed no further in this business." Lady Macbeth then proceeds to change his mind, at least for long enough that the deed gets done. She appeals to his irrational emotions, when his decision not to commit the murder was based on reason and logic, as shown in Macbeth's speech, "If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly."

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Q: What part does Lady Macbeth play in Macbeths decision to kill the king?
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I think so...but i have to write an essay on it! Argggg!! i wish i could just copy and paste something! on a tecnicality yes she was because she was the one to convince Macbeth to kill duncan but Macbeth is also to blame for agreeing to do it hope i helped :)

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