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Macbeth does not reveal his plan to kill Banquo and Fleance (Banquo's son) to Lady Macbeth.

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Q: What plan does Macbeths not reveal to lady Macbeths?
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Duncan shows his affection for the Macbeths by giving them gifts. In particular he gives Lady M a jewel.

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She causes it. He would never have murdered Duncan if she hadn't pushed him to it.

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Lady Macbeth advised Macbeth to ignore his conscience and continue with their plan to kill King Duncan, even if he could not say amen after his prayers. She believed that their ambition was more important than moral guilt.

How does Macbeths plan to kill Banquo and Fleance turn out?

banquo gets killed and fleance runs away

Why is Lady Macbeth anxious to have Duncan at Dunsinane?

Lady Macbeth isn't anxious to have Duncan at Dunsinane. Dunsinane is the palatial residence where the Macbeths live after they are crowned King and Queen of the Scots. King Duncan is killed at the previous residence of the Macbeths, at Inverness. And the murder of the King is exactly why the Lady seeks, and then delights in, his presence in her home [Act 2 Scenes 5-7].