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The Roman gods were there, with names and stories. When the Romans got closer contact with the Greeks, they found the the Greek gods were similar and incorporated some of the Greek stories into their own.

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Q: Why was Neptune named Roman god of the sea the Greek version was Poseidon?
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What planet is named after the Greek god Poseidon?

Neptune was the Roman version of Poseidon so planet Neptune is named after it.

Which roman god is Neptune named after?

The god is Neptune, king of the sea. But Neptune is not greek. The god of the sea in greek mythology is Poseidon. But Neptune it actually a roman god :P The Roman god Neptune is the same as the Greek god Poseidon, just with a different name. But the planet Neptune is named after the Roman version, not the Greek.

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Neptune -is- the Roman name for the God of the Sea. The Greek name is Poseidon. The Roman version of Uranus/Ouranos is Caelus.

Name The God Of The Seas?

Neptune was the god of water and the sea. His Greek equivalent was Poseidon.

Is Neptune part of greek mythology?

Yes and no. Neptune is the Roman version of the earlier Greek god Poseidon, who had the power to control the sea and water.

What is the difference between Poseidon and Neptune?

Neptune is Roman, Posideon is Greek. Not only that, but they had details that were different about them. Neptune was god of the sea, but also fresh water. Poseidon was lord of the sea, but he also controlled earthquakes. Neptune did not. Those are really the only differences.

What was Neptune's Greek and Roman name?

Neptune's Roman name was Neptune, and his Greek name was Poseidon. He was the god of the sea.

What was Neptune the roman god of what?

Neptune was the roman version of Poseidon, the god of water.

Is Neptune Greek?

Neptune is the God of the Sea in Roman. In Greek, he's Poseidon.

What is the name of the Greek god Poseidon?

Poseidon's Greek name was Poseidon. Poseidon's Roman name was Neptune.

Where and how did Neptune get its name?

Neptune is the roman name of Poseidon (Greek)

Is Poseidon a Greek god or a Roman god?

Poseidon was the Greek god of the sea. His Roman counterpart was Neptune.