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Polly Thompson was like a house maid. she cleaned Helen's house and scheduled trips around the world for Helen to speak (she could only speak very little words, Anne S. would translate) about the story of her life, and answer questions about being blind.

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4mo ago

Polly Thompson was Helen Keller's faithful companion and trusted helper. She served as Keller's secretary, interpreter, and constant companion, aiding her in communication and daily tasks. Thompson played a crucial role in supporting Keller's education and advocacy work, helping her navigate the world despite her disabilities.

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12y ago

Helen Keller is important because she went through blind and deaf and never give up on her world speaches.

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13y ago

After the death of Annie in1936.

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Q: Why was Polly Thompson important to Helen Keller?
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Who was Helen Keller second teacher?

Polly Thompson

Who was with Helen Keller teacher after her first teacher died?

Polly Thompson

What did polly Thompson and Winnie corbally have in common?

Polly Thompson and Winnie Corbally were both caregivers for Helen Keller. Polly served as Helen's personal assistant while Winnie worked as Helen's nurse. They both played important roles in helping Helen navigate the world despite her disabilities.

Who was polly Thomson?

Polly Thomson was Helen Keller's governess and companion for over 40 years. She served as a teacher, secretary, and friend to Keller, helping her communicate with others and navigate the world despite her disabilities. Thomson played a crucial role in Keller's education and advocacy work.

Who became the tutor of Helen Keller?

Annie Sullivan was Helen's tutor until her death in 1936. From then on Helen's companion was Polly Thompson, who died in 1960. In 1961 Helen had a stroke and was hospitalized for the rest of her life.

Who worked with Helen Keller after Anne Sullivan?

After Anne Sullivan, Helen Keller worked closely with Polly Thomson. Polly Thomson assisted Helen with tasks such as correspondence, travel arrangements, and communication. She later became Helen's companion and friend, supporting her as she continued her advocacy work for people with disabilities.

What was Helen Keller's second teacher's name?

Helen Keller's second teacher's name was Anne Sullivan. Anne Sullivan played a crucial role in teaching Helen Keller to communicate through sign language and Braille, ultimately helping Helen overcome the challenges of being deaf and blind.

Who cared for Helen after Anne?

Helen Keller was cared for by a few different companions and assistants after Anne Sullivan, including Polly Thomson and Winnie Corbally. Sullivan remained a close friend and mentor to Helen throughout her life, even after others took on more of the day-to-day caregiving duties.

Who did Helen Keller live with?

Helen Keller lived with her family, including her parents, Katherine and Arthur Keller. She was very close to her teacher and companion, Anne Sullivan, who helped her overcome her disabilities and achieve her education and independence.

Who took care of Helen Keller after polly Thomson died?

After Polly Thomson died, Helen Keller was cared for by her companion and secretary, Winifred Corbally. Corbally assisted Keller with daily tasks and continued to support her in her work and public appearances.