

Helen Keller

The first college graduate to be both deaf and blind, Helen Keller later became a noted activist for social causes.

1,513 Questions

How old is Helen Reddy?

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Helen Reddy was born on October 25, 1941. This would make her 80 years old as of 2021.

How old is Helen Svedin?

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Asked by APIBirthday

Helen Svedin was born on October 22, 1976, so she is currently 45 years old.

How old is Helen Shapiro?

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Helen Shapiro was born on September 28, 1946, so she is currently 75 years old.

Who are three people who were mentally or physically handicapped and yet became world famous such as Helen Keller did?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Stephen Hawking, a renowned theoretical physicist, was diagnosed with motor neurone disease at a young age but went on to make significant contributions to the fields of cosmology and theoretical physics.
  2. Beethoven, a famous composer, continued to create beautiful music even after losing his hearing, inspiring people around the world with his compositions.
  3. Frida Kahlo, a celebrated artist, overcame physical disabilities resulting from a bus accident to create powerful and iconic artwork that continues to resonate with audiences today.

What was Helen Keller favorite hobbies?

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Asked by Wiki User

Helen Keller enjoyed swimming, sailing, canoeing, horseback riding and tobogganing. Anne Sullivan taught her how to do most of them. It is no surprise that Keller enjoyed these activities as they are all very tactile and involve predominantly body movement.

What is Helen Keller's favorite color?

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Asked by Norma Lockman

she obviously was blind so everything was black in her eyes so she did not see any other color.

Did Helen Keller die?

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Asked by Nash Towne

Because Helen was Blind and Deaf and she just died.

Maybe because she was 87 years old and lived a life full of challenges and triumphs.

What are the adversities Helen Keller overcame?

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Asked by Wiki User

Helen Keller overcame the adversities of being deaf and blind from a young age. Despite these challenges, she learned to communicate through sign language and braille, eventually becoming an author and advocate for people with disabilities. Her perseverance and determination inspired many others to overcome their own obstacles.

Describe the first meeting between Sullivan and Helen?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first meeting between Sullivan and Helen Keller was when Sullivan arrived at the Keller household to be Helen's teacher. Helen was initially resistant and frustrated, but Sullivan used patience and persistence to start communicating with Helen through tactile sign language. This meeting marked the beginning of a strong bond between teacher and student that would transform Helen's life.

What did Anne take Helen when she first went to begin to teach her?

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Asked by Wiki User

Anne took a doll to Helen when she first went to teach her.

Is helen chavez still alive?

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Asked by Juniormeza19

No, Helen Chavez passed away on June 6, 2016, at the age of 88. She was known for her activism and support of farmworkers alongside her husband, Cesar Chavez.

What is the importance of seeing in a physical sense verus seeing in an observational sense?

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Seeing in a physical sense refers to our ability to perceive visual stimuli through our eyes, which is crucial for navigating and interacting with the world. Observational seeing, on the other hand, involves understanding and interpreting the information we gather through our senses to make sense of our surroundings and make informed decisions. Both forms of seeing are essential for functioning in everyday life and gaining a deeper understanding of the world around us.

Why are the Keller's now delighted with Annie?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Kellers are delighted with Annie because she successfully taught their daughter Helen how to communicate effectively, breaking through her isolation and opening up new opportunities for her. Annie's dedication, expertise, and compassion in working with Helen have brought about remarkable progress and a positive transformation in their daughter. As a result, they now see Annie as a crucial and valuable member of their family.

What are the release dates for Song Demo for a Helen Keller World - 1999?

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"Song Demo for a Helen Keller World" was released in 1999 as part of the album "Wrestling Over Tiny Matters."

What happens to Helen sister?

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Asked by Wiki User

Helen's sister is kidnapped by Theseus, the king of Athens, and brought to Athens as his wife. This leads to the famous Greek mythological story of the "Abduction of Helen" which eventually results in the Trojan War.

What challenges did hellen Keller faced?

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Asked by Wiki User

Helen Keller faced the challenges of being deaf and blind from a young age, which made communication and learning difficult. She also had to overcome societal attitudes and expectations towards individuals with disabilities, as well as physical limitations in terms of mobility and independence. Despite these challenges, Helen Keller went on to become a renowned author, speaker, and advocate for people with disabilities.

Who are Josh Norman and Mike Keller?

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Asked by Wiki User

Josh Norman is a professional football player who plays as a cornerback in the NFL. He has played for teams like the Carolina Panthers, Washington Football Team, and Buffalo Bills.

There is not enough information available about Mike Keller. It's possible that he is not a well-known public figure or his name could be a common one, making it difficult to identify a specific individual.

What did Helen Keller do when she wanted her mother?

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Asked by DavidUmfb4016

When Helen Keller wanted her mother, she would make the shape of a "M" with her fingers on her mother's lips to sign the word "mother" in tactile sign language. This allowed her to communicate with her mother through touch.

Where is the Old Town Keller Foundation in Keller Texas located?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Old Town Keller Foundation in Keller, Texas is located on Hill Street in the Old Town Keller area. It is situated near the intersection of Hill Street and Olive Street.

When did Arthur I. Keller die?

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Arthur I. Keller, who illustrated Helen Keller's autobiography, "The Story of My Life," died on January 9, 1924.

When was Deaf Dumb Blind created?

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"Deaf Dumb Blind" was not created as a specific entity or term but has been historically used to describe individuals with impairments in hearing, speech, and sight. The use of this term is now considered outdated and inaccurate as it is not respectful of the capabilities of individuals with sensory impairments.

When did Sullivan Ballou die?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sullivan Ballou died on July 29, 1861, during the First Battle of Bull Run in the American Civil War.

Why does Helen quit school?

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Asked by Wiki User

Helen stopped attending school due to intense bullying from her classmates. Despite her efforts to endure the mistreatment, the negative impact on her mental health became too overwhelming.

How did Helen Keller feel when she learned the word water?

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Asked by Saarahkhangp7324

Helen Keller felt overwhelmed with joy and excitement when she learned the word "water" because it was her breakthrough moment in understanding language and communication. This significant moment marked the beginning of her understanding that everything had a name.

What color skirt did Helen Keller wear?

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Asked by Wiki User

Helen Keller was known for her advocacy work and accomplishments rather than her clothing choices. There is no specific information available regarding the color of skirts she wore.