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While Shakespeare's play Macbeth is based on historical events, he took significant liberties with the historical facts to make the story more dramatic and appealing to his audience. Shakespeare often prioritized the themes and emotions of his plays over historical accuracy. Additionally, he may have adapted the story to cater to the political climate and expectations of his time.

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Q: Why was Shakespeare not accurate to history when he wrote the play Macbeth?
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Who worte Macbeth?

William Shakespeare wrote Macbeth

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William Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare wrote plays called Twelfth Night and Macbeth.

Who wrote the book 'Macbeth'?

Macbeth is actually a play, and Shakespeare created it. Hope that helps.

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The play that delt with Scottish History was Macbeth, a story of a man who goes crazy and kills his father to take his place as king, I read the Bard of Avon. That book is all about Shakespeare

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Hamlet,Macbeth, and King Lear.

What were two of William Shakespeare's plays?

Shakespeare wrote many plays but these are just two of them. Macbeth and Hamlet.

In Macbeth who was on the throne?

At the outset of Macbeth, Duncan is the King of Scotland. Shortly after Macbeth commits regicide, he becomes the King. At the very end of the play, Malcolm (Duncan's son) is taken to be crowned.Unless you meant in terms of real history, in which case, James I was on the throne when Shakespeare wrote Macbeth.

What is the name of a scottish play skakespeare wrote?

Shakespeare only wrote one play which was set in Scotland--Macbeth.

Why did William Shakespeare write MacBeth?

Shakespeare wrote all of his plays for the same reason--to make money. It was his job.

Which monarch was on the throne wwhy it is when shakespeare wrote Macbeth and why was this significant?

i think it was the queen elizabeth

Did Shakespeare write Macbeth?

Yes, William Shakespeare [Baptized April 26, 1564-April 23, 1616] wrote 'The Tragedy of Macbeth'. He most likely wrote the play no earlier than 1603, and no later than 1606 or 1607. The choice of a tragic theme, the harmonization of the play with the interests of the prevailing monarch, the presentation of a range of personality types, and the use of compelling dialogue were hallmarks of 'Macbeth' and of the other Shakespearean tragedies.