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He needed more people to live in the towers because he needed business for his restaurant.

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Sunset Towers was too exclusive for Mr. Hoo because he represented a minority population in America during that time period, which led to discrimination and exclusion from certain elite social circles. His ethnicity likely played a role in the exclusivity of the building due to prevailing prejudices and biases.

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Q: Why was Sunset Towers to exclusive for Mr Hoo?
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Why was sunset towers too exclusive for mr hoo?

Sunset Towers was too exclusive for Mr. Hoo because he was a Chinese man, and the building's tenants were mostly wealthy Caucasians who held prejudiced attitudes towards people of different ethnic backgrounds. This discrimination made it difficult for Mr. Hoo to socialize and integrate within the community.

In the Westing Game book where does Mr Hoo live?

Mr. Hoo lives in Sunset Towers in the Westing Game book.

What floor is Mr Hoo's restraunt on?

hoos restaurant take up the whole 5th floor of Sunset towers

What floor is Mr Hoo's restaurant on un the westing game?

Mr. Hoo's restaurant is located on the fourth floor in the book "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin. It is on the same floor as the Westing apartment.

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Some students from Sunset Towers, a building where Sydelle Pulaski lives, stole her shorthand notebook as a prank, thinking it belonged to one of the other tenants.

What do the Sunset Towers look like in the Westing Game?

In "The Westing Game," Sunset Towers is described as a modern 6-story apartment building with a striking sunset mural on the side. It has a glassed-in porch and a doorman at the entrance. The apartments are luxurious and well-maintained.

Why does sunset towers only have a few tenants?

Sunset Towers has most of Mr. Samuel Westing's heirs, he had sixteen. Barney Northrup invited most of them to come live at Sunset Towers. Although Barney is said not to actually exist. Barney is really Windy Windkloppel, who has four identities - Sandy McSouthers, Barney Northrup, Julian R. Eastman, and Samuel W. Westing.

Why did Crow think that Mr Hoo was a mutilator of children?

Crow believed that Mr. Hoo was a mutilator of children because of a drawing he found in Mr. Hoo's notebook that depicted a child being operated on. This led Crow to suspect that Mr. Hoo was involved in harming children.

How old is mrs hoo in the westing games?

Mr Hoo is actually 54

How did crow change Otis' mind about Mr. Hoo being the bomber?

She gets padding for her engird foot, so she tells Otis that Mr. Hoo is too dangerous and is not the bomber, ( Angela is the bomber)

Why did crow believe that Mr Hoo was a mutilator of children?

Crow believed Mr. Hoo was a mutilator of children because he found incriminating evidence in Mr. Hoo's house, including children's clothes with blood stains and a knife. Additionally, Crow observed Mr. Hoo displaying suspicious behavior and acting aggressively towards him, which further heightened his suspicion.

Do the tentants chosen to live at sunset towers have anything in common?

Yes, the tenants at Sunset Towers were all selected by Samuel W. Westing based on a mysterious connection or tie that binds them together. They each have a link to Mr. Westing, although the nature of this connection is a central mystery of the novel "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin.