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the Constitution never said that the president has authority to make land purchases.

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Q: Why was Thomas Jefferson had doubt of The Louisiana Purchase?
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Why did President Jefferson doubt the Louisiana Purchase?

the Constitution never said that the president has authority to make land purchases

What was Thomas Jefferson's greatest achievement as the president?

I recall two -- I'm forgetting the third. Two of the three are: a) His founding of the University of Virginia b) His authoring of the Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom

What later caused Thomas Jefferson believe that he and the US Congress acted above the US Constitution in the Louisiana Purchase?

The US and its governing document, the US Constitution was so new in 1803, it is understandable that what was constitutional and what was not had even its Framers in doubt concerning the legality of the Louisiana Purchase. Jefferson, ever the scholar and man of utility at the same time saw that the executive branch and the legislative branch had acquired a huge new territorial acquisition never contemplated by the Framers. The Louisiana Purchase almost double the size of the US. Jefferson came to doubt that while the congress and the president were partners in the Purchase, they did not have the joint authority to make the "deal" unless a Constitutional amendment was passed authorizing such a remarkable set of events. There was certainly no "emergency" allowing for the Purchase. In fact, it was a surprise that Napoleon actually owned the territory the US acquired.

How did the purchase of the Louisiana Territory go against Jefferson's principles?

As an advocate of a small, decentralized government, his actions in making the Louisiana Purchase, and in one fell swoop, nearly tripling the size of the United States (and, some thought, its government, by association) mystified some and angered others. He got a good deal, there's no doubt about that, but many saw his move as a betrayal of the Jeffersonian libertarian ideals.

How did Thomas Jefferson impact peoples lives in the 1740?

Considering he was not born until 1743, I doubt he had much influence on people in 1740.

What was the name of the slave girl that gave birth to Thomas Jefferson's child?

Her names was Sally Hemings. It has not been established beyond doubt that Thomas Jefferson was the father. It is possible that his nephew could have been the father. Their descendants' DNA would be the same in either case.

Who was the most effective and influential president in the period 1800-1824?

Thomas Jefferson ( 1801-1809) was no doubt the best of this time period.

Which philosopher had the most profound influence on Thomas Jefferson's political though?

john Locke

Why did people doubt the the purchase of the Louisiana Territory?

Thomas Jefferson believed in strict interpretation of the US constitution, and in the constitution it did not say anything about him being allowed to purchase such a large territory (remember it almost doubled the size of the country) but he did it any way because the property otherwise belonged to the french. He saw them as a potential threat and thought that without the purchase there could be war. Federalists usually believed in a more broad interpretation of the constitution, but in this case they feared the newly gained territory would support the Republican party and argued the constitution did not give the president the right to buy the land and that the purchase would make American debt skyrocket.

Do you need a CDL to purchase a reefer trailer?

I doubt it for just a purchase.

What has the author Thomas Eaton Doubt written?

Thomas Eaton Doubt has written: 'The effect of the intensity upon the velocity of light ..' -- subject(s): Light, Speed

Why was Thomas Jefferson's beliefs better than Alexander Hamilton's?

alexander hamilton wanted a government only governed by few elite men while jefferson wanted it to be ruled by more so there was no corruption in the government. Alexander saw people as selfish while jefferson wasa a believer in the "common man"