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Why was Tony hesitant about taking a night hike along the lake George Wasington

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Q: Why was Tony hesitant about taking a hike along the lake George Washington socks?
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The names of George Washington Carver's ten sisters in not known. They, along with his brother James, all died in infancy.

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He was a patriot along with George Washington and Ben Franklin.

Which founding father was appointed by president george washington to oversee the construction of the nation's new capitol along the potomac river?

Daniel Carroll was appointed by President George Washington to oversee the construction of the new capitol along the Potomac River. Carroll served in the US House of Representatives from 1789-1791.

Was John Hancock a patriot or a loyalist?

He was a patriot along with George Washington and Ben Franklin.

Why was George Washington's relationship with his mother strained?

George Washington wasn't close with his mother(Mary Washington) at all. Mary Washington was a bossy women with a cold expression. She was never proud of her son even after George became president, or became a very respected general. Even George's friends were very scared of his mother. So, George started his letters to Mary as " Honered Madam " instead of " Dear mother ". Also, George never introduced his wife( Martha custis) to his mother. They didn't get along that well.

Most importantarmy oficer?

George Washington, the commanding officer of the Continental Army along with Marquis De Lafayette.

What army did George Washington command?

He was the Commanding General of the American Continental Army

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I'm not 100% sure, but I believe it was Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette who fought along George Washington during the American Revolution.

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Is Theodore roosevelts face on Mount Rushmore?

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