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Because it had not been experimentally confirmed.

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Q: Why was a Bose-Einstein condensate not already considered as a state of matter?
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What is BoseEinstein condensate the state of matter?

Shortly, a Bose-Einstein condensate is a dilute gas of bosons at a temperature near 0 Kelvin.

Does boseeinstein condensate have a definite shape?

A Bose-Einstein Condensate may be considered as a gas in which the particles have only one degree of freedom. But it is not the gas of familiar :solid, liquid, gas; trichotomoty. It is a different form of matter. Since it is already in the lowest energy form, it cannot be changed from that without altering its energy. That's the best I can do in unravelling.

Fifth state of matter?

1st state of matter- solid 2nd state of matter- liquid 3rd state of matter- gas 4th state of matter- plasma 5th state of matter- Bose Einstein condensate 6th state of matter - fermionic condensate 7th state of matter- thought to be Fermionic condensate

The fifth and 6th phases of matter?

bose einstein condensate 5th fermionic condensate 6th

In what three forms can matter exits?

Matter can exist in three forms: solid, liquid, and gas. Solids have a fixed shape and volume, liquids have a fixed volume but take the shape of their container, and gases have neither a fixed shape nor volume.

What state of matter is not a conventional state?

There are infact two! In general plasma is not considered a "conventional" state of matter. Another that may be considered "unconventional" is a state known as a Bose-Einstein condensate. For more information on the states of matter, please see the related question.

What are the six phases of matter?

The six phases of matter are solid, liquid, gas, plasma, Bose-Einstein condensate, and fermionic condensate. These phases represent different physical states of matter with unique properties and behaviors.

Which is the 6th state of matter?

bose-einstein condensate

What is the fifth phase of matter?

buse Einstein condensate

What is Bose-eintein condensate?

A Bose-Einstein condensate is a state of matter formed at very low temperatures where a group of boson particles collapse into their lowest quantum state. It exhibits unique properties like superfluidity and coherence, allowing for the study of quantum phenomena on a macroscopic scale. It was first predicted by Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein in the 1920s.

What are the nine states of matter?

The nine states of matter include: solid, liquid, gas, plasma, Bose-Einstein condensate, supersolid, supersolid, superfluid fermionic condensate, and quark-gluon plasma. Each state of matter exhibits distinct physical properties based on the arrangement and movement of its particles.

Name the fifth state of matter?

Bose Einstein Condensate.