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i think it was because it was around 6000BCE which was the time where the stone age ended.

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Q: Why was catal huyuk an important aspect of the new stone age?
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What is a land mark of Catal Huyuk?

the snake stone marking

Where is Catal Huyuk and where is it located?

It was a Stone Age settlement in Anatolia dating to about 7,500 BCE.

Where is Catal Huyuk located at?

catal huyuk was on a plain in present-day turkey.

Was Catal Huyuk a civilization?

According to archaeologist in order to be defined as a civilization certain criteria must be met. Early archaeologists believed in order to be considered a civilization a society must have cultural superiority, which meant they must have the ability to read and write. If this was the sole criteria used to judge if a society was labeled a civilization, then you could say the Inca of South America, who constructed cities on top of mountains and had a complex system of irrigation canals, were not one because they did not have a system for reading or writing. Modern archaeologists now think of civilization as not better but different. The modern definition of civilization consists of the development of cities, or urbanization, the existence of a centralized political unit, a dense population in the thousands and a degree of organizational complexity. After reading and listening to class lecture I believe that Catal Huyuk should be considered a civilization. As you read on I will discuss point by point why I feel Catal Huyuk was a civilization. Signs of craft specialization are very apparent at Catal Huyuk. There are a variety tools and weapons made from obsidian, flint, stone and bone. A process called flint knapping, or chipping, was used to shape a stone, like flint, into a sharp tool which could be used in arrowheads. Another process that was used in making tools was called grounding. This involved using two stones one of which was struck against the other to shape it into the desired size, and then the stone was ground against another stone to make it sharp. This is often seen in ax heads and maces. Obsidian mirrors are made in the same grounding process. Bone needles used for stitching clothes were also found. That is why I feel that the Catal Huyuk was not a civilization.

What technologies did the people of Catal Huyuk develop?

The people of Catal Huyuk developed a wide assortment of arts, crafts, and tools. At the end of the Old Stone Age, thousands of years before Catal Huyuk, the warming of the Earth made more plants grow. This caused more animals to survive. This caused more food for people, which lead to more people. People started agriculture, or more known as farming or raising animals (one technology of Catal Huyuk). Agriculture caused people to build permanent homes, because before they had to travel with a herd of animals or to places where there were still plants. This made them have plenty of times to do other things. Once they realized that they could do one thing instead of having everyone do everything (one person weaves baskets, other person makes tools, other person farms, other person harvests plants, etc.) they started using specialization (another technology of Catal Huyuk). Specialization is any trade, job, or profession. When people realized that specialization made them lack other tools or items for use, they traded (another technology) their surplusitems. A surplus is an extra amount of anything. This way, people could get what they need without losing anything that they really need. Trading lead to interaction. Interaction is the exchange of beliefs, technology. or ideas. For example, Person a is from TownA. Person b is from Town B. b is a shoemaker. a is a curtain-weaver. a trades a shoe with b, who gives a a curtain. b finds out that a makes his curtains fluffy. b tells the curtain-maker of Town B to make his curtains fluffier, He does. This is one example of interaction. Interaction lead to civilization. Civilization is a culture that developed systems of specialization, religion, learning, and government.

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Stone? what do you mean? what do you want to know?

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