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Dally's death was gallant because he felt bad for Jhonny

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Q: Why was dally's death gallant in The Outsiders?
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What page were dallys eyes described in the outsiders?

Page 76.

What does gallant mean in The Outsiders?

It was on pg. 76. "I bet they were cool ol' guys,"he said, his eyes glowing, after I read the part about the riding into sure death because they were gallant.

What is the symbolic importance of dallys jacket?

It Depends ON If Your Talking About The Dally In The Outsiders. You HAVE To Be More Specific.

Who through a Coke in Dallys face in the Outsiders?

Dally is one of the toughest gang members of the greasers gang.

Why is johnnys death particularly hard on dally?

because johnny is dallys only brother because in the gamg they treat him as a brother

What was dallys dream in The Outsiders?

Dally's biggest hope is that Johnny will toughen up and survive at the end of the book. When this doesn't happen, and his dream dies, Dallas takes his own life through suicide by cop.

When was Dallys Ferreira born?

Dallys Ferreira was born on August 16, 1984, in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay.

When is dallys birthday?

It doesn't say.

What are the release dates for Captain Gallant of the Foreign Legion - 1955 Veils of Death 1-2?

Captain Gallant of the Foreign Legion - 1955 Veils of Death 1-2 was released on: USA: 20 February 1955

3 Similitaries between the outsiders book and movie?

johnny killed bob they ran away to the church fo five days ponyboy reiceved a letter from Soda Dally asked for a "cancer stick" the peom (stay gold) Johnny's dieing words (stay golden) Dallys death the fight between sodapop darry and ponyboy (ending in an agreement not to fight)

What does the name dallys mean?

dallas Winston

Ponyboy should listen to Dally's or Johnny's advice?

he should listen to dallys advice so when he gets into a fight he can think of dallys advice and not get hurt