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Well gold is their main of trade in South Africa. The acient africans , the Africanns used gold for their money sorse and unbeliveably for tolitery and home decore.

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Q: Why was gold so important to the Africa kingdoms and empires?
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How did gold affect the rise of early kingdoms in West Africa?

Gold affected The rise of Early Kingdoms in West Africa by Gold making Africa Wealthy, and Gold was used to bring Glory in the Kings rule. Gold became more valuable than ever

What influence did gold have on the empires of west africa?

it MADE AFRICA WEALTHY, Because gold was used as money for many countries in that time.

What resulted from the fact that west Africa had pentiful gold and salt?

West Africa had pletiful trading kingdoms.

Did early empires in west Africa gain wealth and power?

Early empires gained wealth and power by trading slaves, gold, and ivory.

What does the statement Salt and gold conquered much of West Africa. mean?

the trade of salt and gold led to the establishment of kingdoms

What is the mineral resource that lead to the wealth of the kingdoms of west Africa?

The gold mined in the gorges and the spices.

Why was salt and gold so powerful to the kingdoms of Africa?

Because back then in Africa salt was very scarce and one pound of gold would be worth one pound of salt and they traded salt for gold.

Which mineral resource contributed to the wealth of kingdoms of West Africa?

Gold, animal hides, kola nuts

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How were trading cites in west Africa able to develop into kingdoms?

Early empires gained wealth and power by trading slaves, gold, and ivory.

What brought wealth th Axum and Great Zimbabwe kingdoms?

Zimbabwe was located in the heart of the gold fields of Africa.

What resources made Taghaza and Walata important in age of the west African empires?

Taghaza and Walata are the most important mining cities in ancient Africa. Most of the salt came form there, and was then traded for gold and shipped all over the continent.