

Why was it hard to travel and trade in Greece?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Greece is a large peninsula with a lot of smaller islands and it is also surrounded by many large mountains.

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Q: Why was it hard to travel and trade in Greece?
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What geographic feature made it hard to travel and trade in Greece?

The mountains.

How did the sea help shape early Greece?

Because the land was very mountainous and hard to travel. So the sea was used as a way of communication, food and trade.

Why was it so hard travel in Greece?

Things were surrounded by mountains

Why was trade impossible in ancient Greece?

In ancient Greece, there were many rules and laws which made trade difficult. Also, the mountains were difficult to traverse and there were not many rivers to travel on.

Why is the trade almost impossible in some parts of ancient Greece?

In Greece the ground was rocky and there were mountains which made it hard to travel and the Red sea During winter was frozen and during summer was dried out which made water travel harder too. But during times when It wasn't hot or cold the Greeks traveled and traded with other countries. But now I'm sure there are better ways to travel

How did the geography of Greece influence where people settled and how they lived?

The geography of Greece influenced where people settled and what they did. Greece's geographic features influenced where people lived because of the high and many mountains made it hard to travel.

Why was it so hard to travel or walk around ancient Greece?

because Greece was very mountainous and rocky.

What geographical feature made trade hard for people in ancient Greece?

The mountains prevented easy overland trade, but the sea made trade easy for coastal cityies.

What is the Annual trade gathering called in medieval times?

There wasn’t an annual trade gathering in the Middle Ages. It was hard for people to travel and trade was mainly local.

Why was water important to trade in Greece?

Water was important to trade in Greece because Greece is a peninsula surrounded by water, so in order to trade with the others, they had to sail across oceans and seas. That was because they had to sail on water. This is why water was important to trade in Greece.

Do you need a visa to travel to Greece with Geneva convention travel document?

yes i want go to greece and want travel visa

Is it easy to travel in Greece?
