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It was important for Coyotito to go to school because education provides opportunities for personal growth and advancement. In the story "The Pearl," attending school would have potentially offered Coyotito a chance to break free from the cycle of poverty and oppression his family faced. Education could have empowered him to create a better future for himself.

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Q: Why was it important for coyotito to go to school in the pearl?
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How do you write an essay about why school is important?

To write an essay on why school is important, start by outlining key points such as education's role in personal development, future career opportunities, and societal progress. Provide supporting evidence and examples to strengthen your argument. Conclude by emphasizing the value of education as a foundation for success and growth.

Should kids go to school?

Yes, children should go to school to receive a structured education that is essential for their development and future success. School provides opportunities for social interactions, life skills development, and academic growth that are important for their overall well-being.

Did Aztec boys go to school?

Aztec boys did attend school, which was known as the calmecac. They were primarily taught military skills, history, religion, and other subjects deemed important for their future roles in society. Training also included physical activities and practical skills.

What school did Tecumseh go to?

Tecumseh, a Shawnee leader, did not attend a formal school in the traditional sense. Instead, he learned from his family and community within the Shawnee tribe, gaining knowledge and skills important for a Native American leader.

4 sentences that why is important to go to school?

Going to school is important because it provides a structured environment for learning and acquiring knowledge. It helps develop essential life skills and social interactions. School also opens up opportunities for future education and career advancement. Additionally, it promotes personal growth and critical thinking.

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What are examples of irony in the pearl by John Steinbeck?

-SAME AS #3 (at the end, the trackers think Coyotito's cry is a coyote and it is situational irony)-the pearl was to be sold to give Coyotito a future, but it ended up killing him and it is situational irony-SAME AS #1 (the trackers don't know that the cry is coming from Coyotito, not a coyote and this is dramatic irony)

Where is the setting of the book the pearl?

The Pearl, which takes place in La Paz, Mexico, begins with a description of the seemingly idyllic family life of Kino, his wife Juana and their infant son, Coyotito. Kino watches as Coyotito sleeps, but sees a scorpion crawl down the rope that holds the hanging box where Coyotito lies. Kino attempts to catch the scorpion, but Coyotito bumps the rope and the scorpion falls on him. Although Kino kills the scorpion, it still stings Coyotito. Juana and Kino, accompanied by their neighbors, go to see the local doctor, who refuses to treat Coyotito because Kino cannot pay.

What happen in the end of The Pearl.. The Pearl Is A Book?

Kino kills the trackers who are following him and his family. But right before he attacked them, one of the trackers shot Coyotito in the head. This is because Coyotito made a noise that sounded like a coyote pup and he started shooting. Kino and Juana, carrying Coyotito's body on her back, go back to La Paz, their village. Everyone gathers around to watch as Kino throws the pearl back into the ocean, ending the greed associated with it.

How does coyotito get cured?

he gives him a remedy (ok this is another person writing, I'm not sure that's exactly accurate because in the introduction in the book I got it says the doctor poisons Coyotito and goes back and saves him later in order to look for the pearl)

Why does kino decides to go to the capital from the book the pearl?

Kino decides to go to the capital in search of a better life for his family, particularly his son Coyotito. He believes that selling the pearl will provide them with the financial means to escape their current impoverished circumstances and secure a brighter future.

Why did they go to the doctor in the book the pearl?

In John Steinbeck's novel "The Pearl," Kino and his family go to the doctor to seek treatment for their son, Coyotito, who has been stung by a scorpion. However, the doctor refuses to treat them because they are poor and cannot pay. This sets off a series of events that lead Kino to find the valuable pearl and ultimately brings tragedy to their family.

What is rising action of story 'the pearl'?

The Pearl, which takes place in La Paz, Mexico, begins with a description of the seemingly idyllic family life of Kino, his wife Juana and their infant son, Coyotito. Kino watches as Coyotito sleeps, but sees a scorpion crawl down the rope that holds the hanging box where Coyotito lies. Kino attempts to catch the scorpion, but Coyotito bumps the rope and the scorpion falls on him. Although Kino kills the scorpion, it still stings Coyotito. Juana and Kino, accompanied by their neighbors, go to see the local doctor, who refuses to treat Coyotito because Kino cannot pay. Kino and Juana leave the doctors and take Coyotito down near the sea, where Juana uses a seaweed poultice on Coyotito's shoulder, which is now swollen. Kino dives for oysters from his canoe, attempting to find pearls. He finds a very large oyster which, when Kino opens it, yields an immense pearl. Kino puts back his head and howls, causing the other pearl divers to look up and race toward Kino's canoe. The news that Kino has found an immense pearl travels fast through La Paz. The doctor who refused to treat Coyotito decides to visit Kino. Kino's neighbors begin to feel bitter toward him for his good fortune, but neither Kino nor Juana realize this feeling they have engendered. Juan Tomas, the brother of Kino, asks him what he will do with his money, and he envisions getting married to Juana in a church and dressing Coyotito in a yachting cap and sailor suit. He claims that he will send Coyotito to school and buy a rifle for himself. The local priest visits and tells Kino to remember to give thanks and to pray for guidance. The doctor also visits, and although Coyotito seems to be healing, the doctor insists that Coyotito still faces danger and treats him. Kino tells the doctor that he will pay him once he sells his pearl, and the doctor attempts to discern where the pearl is located (Kino has buried it in the corner of his hut). That night, a thief attempts to break into Kino's hut, but Kino drives him away. Juana tells Kino that the pearl will destroy them, but Kino insists that the pearl is their one chance and that tomorrow they will sell it. Kino's neighbors wonder what they would do if they had found the pearl, and suggest giving it as a present to the Pope, buying Masses for the souls of his family, and distributing it among the poor of La Paz. Kino goes to sell his pearl, accompanied by his neighbors, but the pearl dealer only offers a thousand pesos when Kino believes that he deserves fifty thousand. Although other dealers inspect the pearl and give similar prices, Kino refuses their offer and decides to go to the capital to sell it there. That night, Kino is attacked by more thieves, and Juana once again reminds Kino that the pearl is evil. However, Kino vows that he will not be cheated, for he is a man. Later that night, Juana attempts to take the pearl and throw it into the ocean, but Kino finds her and beats her for doing so. While outside, a group of men accost Kino and knock the pearl from his hand. Juana watches from a distance, and sees Kino approach her, limping with another man whose throat Kino has slit. Juana finds the pearl, and they decide that they must go away even if the murder was in self-defense. Kino finds that his canoe has been damaged and their house was torn up and the outside set afire. Kino and Juana stay with Juan Tomas and his wife, Apolonia, where they hide for the next day before setting out for the capital that night. Kino and Juana travel that night, and rest during the day. When Kino believes that he is being followed, the two hide and Kino sees several bighorn sheep trackers who pass by him. Kino and Juana escape into the mountains, where Juana and Coyotito hide in the cave while Kino, taking his clothes off so that no one will see his white clothing. The trackers think that they hear something when they hear Coyotito crying, but decide that it is merely a coyote pup. After a tracker shoots in the direction of the cries, Kino attacks the three trackers, killing all three of them. Kino can hear nothing but the cry of death, for he soon realizes that Coyotito is dead from that first shot. Juana and Kino return to La Paz. Kino carries a rifle stolen from the one of the trackers he killed, while Juana carries the dead Coyotito. The two approach the gulf, and Kino, who now sees the image of Coyotito with his head blown off in the pearl, throws it into the ocean.

Why should kino destory the pearl?

Kino should destroy the pearl because it has brought only misfortune and tragedy to his family. The pearl has only caused greed, violence, and division among his community, ultimately leading to the death of his son. Destroying the pearl represents breaking free from its negative influence and finding true peace and happiness.

What high school did Aurora pearl go to?

Pace High School, Pace FL. Had a couple classes with her ^.^

What did Juana in the pearl look like?

In John Steinbeck's "The Pearl," Juana is described as a young, dark-haired woman with strong arms and shoulders. She is depicted as a loving and caring wife to the protagonist, Kino, and a devoted mother to their son, Coyotito.

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everything is important in school or for school. you have to be able to learn or get a good education to go to a good college.

Where is the GTS in pearl?

Go to Jubilife City, go west/left of the Pokemon school the building right next to it should be the GTS