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His men have eaten an addictive plant with drug-like effects which seduces the men to stay on the island of the Lotus-Eaters

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Q: Why was it necessary for Odysseus to take some of his men by force away from the land of the lotus eaters?
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Do the lotus eaters eat Odysseus?

No. The Lotus eaters only ate lotus plants and were peaceful.

Why does Odysseus send three of his best men into the land of the Lotus Eaters?

Odysseus sent two men and the man under them to the land of the Lotus Eaters to see what type of people the Lotus Eaters were, if they were friendly and the like.

How many men did Odysseus lose on the island of the lotus eaters?

Odysseus lost no men on the island of the lotus eaters. He was able to retrieve the 3 men that had succumbed to the lotus' temptation.

The lotus-eaters offer Odysseus's crew?

lotus flowers to eat

Who were the locus eaters?

That is "lotus eaters," encountered by Odysseus and his crew in the Odyssey.

What Adventure did Odysseus and his men meet before drifting into the country of lotus-eaters?

Odysseus and his men had been in the land of the Cicons and their city of Ismarus before coming to the island of the lotus eaters. Before that, they fought at Troy.

How do Odysseus' men cause him trouble with the Ciconians and the lotus-eaters?

no you answer it!

Why does Odysseus have to force three of his men to leave the land of the lotus eaters?

The men who eat the lotus become very content and forget about returning home. They have to be dragged back to the ship by Odysseus so that they will not stay on the island forever, only desiring to eat lotus.

What happens in the land of the lotus eaters?

The Lotus-Eaters ate from a plant with heavy narcotic properties. It made Odysseus' men forget about home.

What island are Odysseus' men eating lotus flowers on?

The Island of the Lotus Eaters. At least, I think so.

What danger did Odysseus and his men face in the land of the lotus- eaters?

In the land of the lotus-eaters there were lotus flowers that poisoned the mind. Once the lotus leaves were eaten, you were addicted to it and would lose your mind and your will to do anything else.

How do Odysseus' men become vulnerable in the land of the Lotus Eaters?

The men become vulnerable by eating the lotus. The lotus mad them lose all desire to return home and all they wanted to do was stay there with the lotus-eaters.