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The Bible says "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Everybody....

It also says that "The wages of sin is death." The death it speaks of is a spiritual death and an eternal separation from God after you die.

It says "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever believes in Him, will not perish but have everlasting life."

The only way for the wages of sin to be paid was for someone who has never sinned to pay those wages on behalf of everyone else. God's only son was the only person who could pay on our behalf because he never sinned.

That is why whoever accepts the gift of what he has done is saved from the wages of sin, because He has paid the wages in full. Right before he breathed his last breath, Jesus said "Tetalesta" which means "It is paid in full."

That is why Jesus says "I am the way, the truth and the life. There is no way to the Father, but by me."

It was also nessary because God loved the world so much that his son, Jesus the Nazaterth died so that all who belived in him would not have to go to Hell but go to Hevean.

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Q: Why was it nessary for jesus to die on the cross?
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