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Q: Why was it so difficult to make a peace settlement which would please all the allies?
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Why did the allies refuse to accept a negotiated peace settlement?

The Allies refuse to accept a negotiated peace settlement presented by the Central Powers because they could not trust in their willingness to fulfill the terms. Germany was in particular deemed untrustworthy.

Allies of the french against the british who continued to fight inder Pontiac even after the peace settlement in 1763?

Ottawa Tribe (the Indian allies that fought under Pontiac)

Allies of the French against the British who continued to fight under Pontiac even after the peace settlement in 1763?

Ottawa tribe

The allies of the french against the british who continued to fight under Pontiac even after the peace settlement in 1763?

Ottawa tribe

What did the final peace settlement of world war 1 demand Germany?

h can you help me please

What does a relation with no ending means does it mean peace?

this question is difficult to answer. Please resubmit with more specific wording.

What were different thoughts on the peace settlement from various countries?

Could you be more specific this question is convoluted. Please rephrase question and resubmit for a good answer.

What is the teraty of versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles is a peace settlement that was signed after World War I had ended in 1918. It was signed at the Palace at Versailles near Paris, France between Germany and their allies.

Paris peace settlement led to World War 2?

There was no Paris Peace Settlement at the end of World War 2. There was the Treaty of Versailles at the end of World War 2. At the end of the Vietnam War for the US and France there was a peace settlement in France but that was called "The Paris Peace Talks".

How did the peace settlement in the Middle East create instability and resentment in the region?

There are numerous Middle East peace settlements. You need to be more specific. Please include the parties that made the peace, what year the peace was made in, and, if possible, where the talks were concluded, i.e. the Israeli-Palestinian Oslo Accords of 1993.

When was the Vietnam War peace settlement signed?

The Paris Peace Accord was signed in 1973.

What was the Allies position at the peace conference?

im king