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Q: Why was pyramid building so important to kush?
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What technology did Ancient Kush have?

the technology they had was weapons like spear head and theybuilt pyramid so they had to have building material.

Why was the 25th dynasty so important for kush and Egypt?

a Nubian kingdom called kush became a power in the region

Why was iron so important to kush?

It was important because they could make weapons out of it and defend their city

What kushite accomplishments were not influenced by Egypt?

Kush mastered ironworking. Kushite's accomplished building the city of Napata, a city that nurture from its location for the trade route.

Why is pyramid of the sun important?

The Pyramid of the Sun is so important because it came from an unknown civilization often mistaken for the Aztecs. It is also the largest pyramid in Teotihuacan.

What was the role of women in a kushite society?

Women were very important in Kush society. Kush had a lot of queens. Women could also become priestesses, a very important job in Kush. Sorry, this is all i have so far, Hope it helps! :)

Why was the 25th dynasty so important to Egypt and Kush?

your dum go to school and maybe you will learn

Why was 25th dynasty so important for both kush and Egypt?

Go to school u will find out

How long was Khufu planning his pyramid before he was building it?

Khufu's great pyramid is product of experience with his two previous pyramids starting with the bent pyramid. so I guess you can say that he started planning when his first pyramid failed

Why is pharaoh Huni so important?

he.... um.... he built half of a pyramid

When did Kush last?

kush was found in 1778 so siectiest found

What was significant about Queen Shanakhdakheto?

Queen Shanakhdakheto ruled Kush on her own.