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Columns supported roofs. There were several decorative styles of column - Doric, Corinthian and Ionic. The people of Corinth liked a style which had acanthus leaves on the top, and this is what we call the Corinthian column.

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Q: Why was the Corinthian column made?
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Where was the Corinthian column made?

It was originally made in the city-state of Corinth. It was popular it became one of the three styles which became predominant (Corinthian, Doric and Ionian) and were used around the Greek world, then spread to other areas and are still used today.

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What kind of ornaments does Corinthian column carries?

Corinthian column carries the Roman and Victorian ornaments of many scrolls that encircles the ornament. The ornament as is popular with the Roman and the Victorians is scrolled with gold and highly circular decorative swirls.