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Because the Soviets offered economic and military aid to Cuba

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Q: Why was the Cuban missile Crisis considered a world conflict?
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Who was in the conflict of the Cuban missile crisis?

US, Cuba, and Soviet Union

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Cuban missile crisis

What century did the Cuban missile crisis?

The Cuban missile crisis started on October 16, 1962

What do the Cubans call the Cuban Missile Crisis?

The missile crisis

What conflict lasted 13 days and threatened global nuclear war?

cuban missile crisis

What was the cause of the cuban missile crisis?

Soviets were establishing nuclear missile sites in Cuba.

Bay of Pigs or Cuban missile crisis which was worse?

Cuban missile crisis, because it almost killed us.

The President who resolved the Cuban Missile Crisis was?

President Kennedy is credited with resolving the Cuban Missile Crisis.President John F. Kennedy

Who Cuban missile crisis?

the U.S.

What was the crisis in Cuban missile crisis?

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a conflict primarily between the United States and the Soviet Union. This crisis was brought on after the Soviets placed nuclear missiles in Cuba, which is very close to the United States. This is considered a crisis because the missiles placed in Cuba were dangerous since they could have easily been launched at the United States, hence starting the world's first nuclear war.

Was there a Missile Crisis in Newfoundland in 1962?

No. The "documentary" was parodying the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

Who faced the Cuban missile crisis?

The country that faced the missile crisis was the United States.