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Because the "big" war in it was the Russian-German war about the invasion Germany made against the agreement of riventrop molotov, and the "small" war (even it was bigger than the last one) was the Holocaust itself, with 1.6 jews killed.

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Q: Why was the Holocaust called a war within a war?
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Was the Holocaust a significant event in the cold war?

No... The Holocaust ended before the era called the Cold War began.

What was the killing of the jews and other in world war 2 called?

The Holocaust.

What was the holocaust called during World War 2?

The Final Solution

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most of the Jews within Romania's pre-war borders survived, but this was arguably at the expense of the Jews within the territories that Romania gained during the war.

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No war 'began when the Holocaust began'. The Holocaust took place during World War 2 but was not one of the causes of the war.

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holocost .... Learn how to spell... it's the Holocaust

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The Holocaust.

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It sounds as if you are confusing World War 2 and the Holocaust. Please see the related question below.

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No the holocaust wasn't part of the civil war. The civil war was over slavery and the holocaust was for world war 2 and the Nazis getting rid of the Jews

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The holocaust was during World War 2

What were the wars after the Holocaust?

There was the Cold War after the Holocaust. The Cold War was a war which used words and threats, but no weapons and bombs.

What was the term used to describe the extermination of the Jews during World War 2?

The Holocaust. The Nazis themselves called it the Final Solution [of the Jewish Question.