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Joan of Arc had the greatest impact on the Hundred years' war, by lifting the spirits of the nearly defeated French.

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Idell Dietrich

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Thomas Lynch

Lvl 13
2y ago

Joan of Arc had the greatest impact on the Hundred years' war, by lifting the spirits of the nearly defeated French.

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12y ago

The hundred year war aggravated and solidified hatred between England and France. It also ended in the year 1337, which would later inspire an internet sub-culture with its own language, that bore the name 1337.

The 100 Years' War BEGAN in 1337, to the idiot above me. It ended in 1453.

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11y ago

It was one event in a vicious cycle which continues today: France provokes England by stealing English territory England walks all over France and crushes its considerably larger armies into dust England conquers swathes of new territory

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9y ago

The 100 year war was fought between England and France. The reason for it was caused by the conquest that England carried out in France.

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13y ago

The Hundred Years' War was significant because it not only allowed England to have control over France until 1801, but also ended the use mounted knights.

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13y ago

willy wonka ftw:D

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Why was the Hundred Years War such an important war in European history?

because the English didn't want the french to take over

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The Hundred Years War ended when Bordeaux surrendered.

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The Hundred Years War on May 30 of 1431.

What period in history was Joan the arc burned at the stake?

The Hundred Years War on May 30 of 1431.

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The Hundred Years War involved England and France, not the U.S. The U.S. was not even a country when the Hundred Years War was fought.

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Gunpowder and canons

Which army did Joan of Arc lead?

Joan led the French army.

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In As a result of the Hundred Years' War became more important in both France and England.?

common people

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The Hundred Years' War.

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